Unreliable collisions on animated props/meshes

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



Collisions on moving objects are unpredictable and often unplayable for anyone other than the host. I’m wondering if this is known limitation of UEFN, or if there is a solution.

Steps to Reproduce

Animate any static mesh using either a prop mover, level sequence, or verse animation_controller. Have another player join the session and try to jump/platform on this moving object. Observe them as the host player.

Expected Result

The ability to animate static meshes/props so that non-host players can platform on them reliably.

Observed Result

Often the other players movement will not replicate entirely (I think if they don’t use an input). Additionally, they might fall through the animated object or otherwise miss it’s collision entirely.


Observed on PC and Switch

Additional Notes

Here is a forum post with a video showing the issue: Bad Collisions with moving objects

The status of FORT-743596 incident has been moved from ‘Unconfirmed’ to ‘Needs Triage’.