UnrealVoxel - blocky Minecraft-like infinite world + download


This. :slight_smile: thanks

This is awesome work! I would purchase it ASAP on the market place.

yeah :slight_smile:
I uploaded 32 bit version this time instead of 64. On my laptop I get 20 fps more on 32 bit version. It’s strange because I have 64 bit OS there. Maybe it’s some bug IDK but still… 32 bit seems the same or better imo than 64 bit.

The version in huge letter links, is running so much better than the prior one. Super fluid. Makes me wish actual Minecraft was switched to something more powerful programming language wise. If the Tekkit pack ran like that…wouldn’t do anything else. EVER

Thanks. Yeah 32bit version is running smoother. I need to post this on the Epic forum because I am sure it’s a bug.

Yeah doesn’t look that’s supposed to happen. Would be funny if all UE4 games compiled in 32 Bit made 10-20 fps gains.

Maybe it’s 4.12.3 problem or just missing some drivers but on my laptop I get really unexpected results:
developement64 — 27fps
developement32 — 58fps
shipped64 — 38fps
shipped32 — 38fps

On my PC I got everywhere 82fps

I wouldn’t be surprised because there is a lot of things like that. What about Version=5 to enable DefaulGameUserSettings? :smiley:

Perfect! Please put it one the marketplace,I will buy:rolleyes:

Thanks! I am working on this. I will provide something to the marketplace soon.
By the way… Why someone marked this thread as a game??

Awesome!!! :smiley: Do you have any idea yet around how much you will be selling this on the marketplace for?

Wow, this looks really awesome! Congrats! And the mood with all the chirping birds is pretty cool.

Ok so content is ready to upload to the marketplace. I will do it tomorrow.

Someone downloaded it and is interested in Marketplace version of this sandbox game prototype?
How much should it cost?

Is it not up on the Marketplace yet? And well I was hoping for something not too expensive and reasonably priced since I’m poor and can’t afford anything over like 25 :slight_smile: That way you’d get a large amount of people to purchase it.

It’s still the same. You can find download link here:https://.com/watch?v=WXJw1pswLRM[/QUOTE]

I saw your reply to me in Johns thread. Did you ever release the source to your project? I might have some recommendations, but I’m pretty time limited right now with my own projects.

I will release project source soon. If You have any idea how can I improve generation time, performance or memory usage of procedural mesh component creation I would really appreciate!

I would have to see how you’re doing things before I could comment on any improvements. Since you mentioned the PMC, what issues are you having with it? I kind of watch what people are doing with it as well as my improved version to see what areas I can further improve. I’m currently working on some of the collision support as the PMC collision cooking is far too slow for my project. I’d recommend trying the RMC as it’s usually a nice boost in both memory and performance over the current PMC in the engine.

I don’t have any problems. I generate the collisions for small area around the player. So this is very quick. The scene with 3M tris is up in about 2 sec. So this is great.
I just wonder if ProceduralMeshComponent can be improved - get more fps, better generation times or less memory usage?

Generation speed wouldn’t have anything to do with the PMC, unless you mean the sync speed to the GPU which is kinda slow due to it requiring 2 copy and 2 conversion operations IIRC. I’ve already drastically improved all of the above. It’s not an easy thing to explain how to do as there’s quite a few individual parts to it. The first and last part are 2 of the 3 reasons I rewrote the PMC, the third is collision because cooking even one chunk ~8ms is going to cause fps drops.