Unreal Engine 5.4 Preview

its on m2 and m3 chips already. m1s lack something called “atomics processing” that makes it pretty much impossible to use nanite with it. epic said they are trying to work around that but dont get your hopes up.

is this actual geometry changing with collision or just a illusion on the GPU/Shader?

I’m also having the same issue. Restarted windows, I’ve closed and opened the Launcher a dozen times in the last 2 days and logged in and out of Epic. It’s still only showing 5.3 for me.

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All my "Android_Vulkan_SM5 " activated projects crash on initial load. Tried 5 different devices, all fail. Even a Blank Project created with a fresh 5.4 preview install crashes if “Support Vulkan Desktop [Experimental]” option is activated on project settings.

What’s even weirder is that displacement appears to be working for some people?
I mean we’ve even seen screenshots in this thread.

That’s what still makes me wonder if we’re missing something.
Anyways could be a bug of course that it works for some people and not for others.
I’m using a third person template project created fresh in UE 5.4 with no project settings changed.

Hey Miguel :slight_smile:

I went ahead and followed up on your post in the Lumen GI/Reflections thread.

TLDR for other users; We have an issue logged internally for this. For tracking of the issue, please see UE-200307 once available!

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You must click on the plus button and then there is a dropdown where it added the new version you want to install. At the top there is the 5.4 preview. I restarted my computer as well. But as soon as you add by just clicking plus the version has a dropdown menu where you can choose 5.4 from

I’ll be opportunist for a forward-looking question here: How far down your backlog is to fix the depth sorting of overlapping heterogeneous volumes?
(right now they’re sorted by their origins, causing popping artifacts)

In library next to Engine Versions? I’ve tried and when I click it only adds 5.1.1 to my list.

For anyone having my same problem, uninstalled Launcher an can now see the dropdown for the 5.4 Beta

The Level Instance seems not to properly beheave with the Advanced settings that allow to load the Level Instances with different modes.

With an AMD graphics card (5700XT) under Win11 UE5.4.0.p, the mesh becomes invisible again when using a simple tessellation material, just as it does under 5.3.2, and also with a Nanite Landscape.

How to install 5.4 preview - Getting Started & Setup

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thanks man ill try these. the only featured i havent gotten to work yet is the hetereogenous volume shadow garrrr

Check this video out on how to use nanite tessellation with nanite landscape but it can work with static mesh as well. Just a disclaimer this is just me messin around since there isnt much documentations out yet so might not be official way

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Had same issue, i deleted old version one my installs and then it showed. i had all 5.x versions plus 4.27 installed, deleted 5.0 and then 5.4 showed. Perhaps try that

I tested version 5.4 a bit, fps drops lower than in version 5.3.2, and now the engine uses more video memory. And also I can’t build a minimap and the grid doesn’t work in the “World Partition” settings. https://youtu.be/2P13nJhoF3w

It’s the actual geometry being deformed, but I can’t say about the collisions because I didn’t tested this yet.

Will the full release of 5.4 include support for raytracing and pathtracer on apple m3 hardware?

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I see that ML Deformer is now not included in roadmapp 5.4 but in forward looking roadmapp, does this mean that ml deformer is the same as in 5.3? i have halted development off some characters that are prepped for ml deformer expeting thing chaneged in 5.4, is the new ML Clothing (Beta) part of the ML deformer pipeline. Just a glance att 5.4 documentation would help.