Unreal Engine 5.4 Preview

I haven’t had the time for a deeper dive into 5.4… if those options are still available on other light settings it might be used in another way or removed later on, it’s still a preview version right… but I’m just guessing on this part :sweat_smile:

Can we get access to the 5.4 documentation. Even if it’s incomplete, it would be helpful.


Just wow, ty for sharing

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This, definitely worse than 5.3, experimental ofc, which says multirendering is disabled atm ?

Just guessing…

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it most like is worse. even rendering time, like Draw & GPU time is higher for some reason so my guess its not enabled by default. still waiting to see what they have regarding this.

So I’ve enabled the tesselation option in the material. As well as the use nanite usage flag, just to be sure.
I’ve enabled the nanite displacement plugin.
The displacement slot is not showing up for me by default at all.
I’ve switched the material to material attiributes.
With make material attributes, the displacement slot turns up and I connected a displacement map.

However, this is doing absolutely nothing for my Nanite mesh that I applied the material to.
Do you guys have any idea what step I may have missed?

I would love for displacement to be easy, or better yet enabled by default in UE5.4!
But while I could enable it on first try in 5.3, I just don’t seem to have any luck with 5.4 yet. :sweat_smile:


Super exciting!

I saw a news:“Epic will also release a free sample learning project that includes over 500 AAA animations created from high-end motion capture data with the locomotion .”Would you like to talk about a more specific time?It is very important to me.

Restarting windows fixed the issue with no options in launcher for me -

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Same here, do you find any solutions?

I see that GetCurrentTime no longer return int, this break “MH_CR_Picker”



That’s correct. The old function has been deprecated. The new function will return a struct that you can split to get the current time in different formats (ie. frames, time in seconds, or timecode).



anyone else not able to get shadow‘r.HeterogeneousVolumes.Shadows.ShadowRate 0 doesnt exist

That is great ! Thank you, fixed my problem

I’ve tried for a few hours digging through all the settings, did exactly what you tried, but no luck. I can only assume its a bug? but strange they would have an obvious bug on a major feature they showcased. Haven’t seen much other people talk about this on the internet. Guess we will see.

Geometry Collection motion blur seems quite broken with TSR enabled. I couldn’t find any combination of settings that made it not a muddy mess. Is this going to be fixed for 5.4, or is there a checkbox I’m missing?

Sadly , there is no such options in a UI . The only RT feature , that is working right now (besides hardware Lumen) is barycentrics (RT Shadows) . Other features like Path Tracing needs Vulkan Bindless rendering . Bindless is implemented , but i don’t know how to turn it on . I tried to turning on ray tracing shaders in a config file, located in VulkanPC folder , but after that engine just crashes saying, that it needs full Vulkan Bindless for Ray Tracing to function . Maybe anyone here knows the solution ?

The “Max Edge Length Factor” Nanite setting seems to only work to make Nanite cull edges later, not earlier which is what would have been truly useful in terms of having better optimization control which Nanite has always sorely lacked.

@jsfilmz I think this might be referring to the ShadingRate variable.

Here are some useful settings to try from the team for ref:

Recommended cinematic defaults using global acceleration structure:

r.HeterogeneousVolumes.Shadows.Mode 1 r.HeterogeneousVolumes.Shadows.ShadingRate 1 r.HeterogeneousVolumes.LightingCache.UseAVSM 0 r.HeterogeneousVolumes.Shadows.MaxSampleCount 16

Recommended cinematic defaults for iterative draw:

r.HeterogeneousVolumes.Shadows.Mode 0 r.HeterogeneousVolumes.Shadows.ShadingRate (unused) r.HeterogeneousVolumes.LightingCache.UseAVSM 0 r.HeterogeneousVolumes.Shadows.MaxSampleCount 16

Recommended real-time defaults, with minimal volume/light count:

r.HeterogeneousVolumes.Shadows.Mode 0 r.HeterogeneousVolumes.Shadows.ShadingRate (unused) r.HeterogeneousVolumes.LightingCache.UseAVSM 1 r.HeterogeneousVolumes.Shadows.MaxSampleCount 8

Sir i tried everything even went to site and downloaded launcher again and it said it repaired but still nothing i have cleared the cache signed out signed in again and still nothing is there anything else i should do. Dont really want to do github please help