Unreal Engine 5.4.4/5.5 Material Editor Crash

Pressing “W”, “E” and “R” keys with active Material Editor causing hard crash every time.
Something to do with Gismo shortcuts for Translate/Rotate/Scale probably!


The only Workaround I found to prevent crashes for now is to remove shortcuts for Translate/Rotate/Scale Gizmo Switch which is a bummer.
Replacing them with different key combinations, doesn’t work either!

Greetings @saxxson! Let’s see if we can figure this one out.

From similar scenarios, the solution for this type of crash is to reset all local settings and customizations, which can be done by deleting the fileEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini found at C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\UnrealEditorFortnite\Saved\Config\WindowsEditor

Further details can be found in the following thread, as seen here:

Hope this helps!

Thanks for reaching me out on that.
Deleting this particular ini file there worked once on newly created project and fall back again on reopening.
Didn’t work on old projects at all.
Unfortunately full reset of the “AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/…” folder and deleting project’s cache’s also didn’t do a thing either.

Thanks anyway

I found a solution by myself: Do not close Viewport Preview Tab in Material Editor ever if you want to avoid this type of crashes!