Unreal Engine 5.3 Preview

What SDK / NDK / JRE Android do you need now?

just select the light component, not actor ,
then you can see the radius.

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lol i got 4 haha

v25 or v26.1 according to the website NDK Downloads | Android NDK | Android Developers

Is there a recommended upper limit for the size of the VDB’s we use with the Heterogeneous Volumes? I have a VDB with two fields (density and flames, 300x100x300) and it flickers if I go higher than 18 fps. The editor is running fine at 70 fps so I assume it’s the streaming of the frames that is causing the flickering? Are there any settings that will affect this behavior? Thanks

Beats me, I only have 6!

We need a 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 on bug fixes though… I don’t give a crap about new stuff I don’t use :')

EPIC, please stop breaking Slate and UMG in new releases.

The Knights GIF - The Knights Who GIFs|833x416.5

I noticed a big performance drop on the 5.3 preview with M2 Max Macbook pro vs the 5.2 release, from 54fps down to 33fps. No nanite meshes in this scene. Anyone else seeing the same?

Will this be addressed in the full 5.3 release? :pray:

I’m on 5.1.1 with absolutely no crashes. 64gig ram, AMD x5950. Once I disabled CPB & PBO in my motherboard. The stability was amazing. This AMD feature makes no performance difference in Unreal. Taichi X570 MB. Hope this helps someone!

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Check for differences in rendering features in the project settings and make sure the resolution scale and quality presets are the same for both. I’d bet money the 5.3 preview one has some features turned on that the 5.2 one doesn’t.

Just saw this, thx so much! :grinning:

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Check for differences in rendering features in the project settings and make sure the resolution scale and quality presets are the same for both. I’d bet money the 5.3 preview one has some features turned on that the 5.2 one doesn’t.

I have checked. The rendering features, resolution scale, and quality presets are the same for both versions. Does your m2 mac not have a performance drop on 5.3 preview vs 5.2?

Hi, is this project publicly available? Could you post the text output of the profilegpu command from each one? Also the same screenshots but with “stat unit”?

@reuko7 I’m told it might due to the fact that in Preview 1 the Mac platform has the SM6 shader model enabled by default, but this was rolled back after the preview release was cut as SM6 is not ready to be widely used on Mac. Can you try unchecking SM6 in Project Settings → Platforms → Mac?

“If you don’t keep screaming at them and bring it each time, they’ll forget about you and sweep your case under the rug…”, are you one of those companies, Epic? Being a physicist, the only main roadblock between me and Unreal Engine is its physical simulation’s unpredictability; axiomatically, I am referring to the Async Physics that’s still experimental to this day. (I created a thread about it, demonstrating it in detail)

When can we expect it to go production-ready? Unity’s DOTS Physics is fully deterministic, no matter whether your fps 1 or 100; You’ll Always get the same result. Can we expect this from Chaos Physics, or will Unreal Engine still lag behind physics-wise?


Trust me if they get it working next week you will receive a new engine version which breaks it. EPIC is nowhere to be found. Check my reports on the topic list… I’m not keeping my mind shut when I smell b*llshit from a mile away and am expected to work with people.
For physics there is other software, depends on what field you need it for. Mechanical or temperature stress testing on models, robotics (simulation learning) etc they won’t ever be on UE as it is. If they provide an LTS version to receive long term bug fixes and no shiny new things they might restore community trust some day.


Alright alright alright… women give birth to a baby after 9 months, I finally had an ultimate opinion about UE5.3 after 9 days… easy-peasy win, in comparison, but it’s OK. I hope.

This version of our UE looks great, I never got a serious crash due to lack of performance compared to 5.2 and it’s not just because I pushed my RAM from 16 to 32GB, UE5.2 still crashes despite that anytime I use it with heavy performance projects {my old and proud GTX 1070 8GB still does magics}, 5.3 doesn’t… it goes smooth as my skin when I was a baby… and most importantly it’s fast! Faster than 5.1, even when recompiling shaders still does the nightmare.

Now… if that alone is not a reason to step beyond the Preview phase to go fully operational and finally start having plugins updated for it so we can go developmental with our projects and keep up the pace with technology, which remains my mantra…
Just my 2 cents after 2 years experience in Unreal Engine, of course.

I’ve got just one complain only: a full Foot IK still not enabled by default to have our characters’ feet adapting to slopes and other irregular surfaces…!?? Seriously? I simply wonder… why!?? Quite annoying…
Anyway… all the rest is cool, my love for Unreal Engine :heart_eyes: continues… as solo dev I and my UE will eventually deliver a baby… ehm… a full game in 9 years time at 59yo…

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You must unlearn what you have learned. Deoptimization it is. Same scene, same exact spot:

At least i will take a long vacation without Unreal. Proppably few years until 5.8 :grinning:
Thank you. Its Epic!


Just because you migrated a project doesn’t mean it’s running exactly the same. Profiling is more than looking at one spot in the world and pulling up performance metrics.

Unreal Engine 5 should’ve never released when it’s at this stage. Replacing PhysX with Chaos as default when the latter is still experimental is an unwise move. I want to use Async Physics for the Engine’s main industry: Games.

All the hope is that we get proper physics simulation before Unreal Engine 6.