Unreal Engine 5.3 Preview

Also, vertex color import from TGA textures is still broken in mesh paint mode.

Being able to import vertex color info from specific texture channels would also be a great addition for vertex painting via the modeling tools.

Is intel arc line a continuous product? I certainly hope so, but I seems to remember that the arc line didn’t get continue and I was so disappointed to learn that.

I tried your method and got the correct result in the path tracking, but she turned into some points in the lit mode. Do you know how to solve it?

Just reboot to fix it

I am trying to import an animated sequence of VDB and I am having trouble figuring out how to make it work. I don´t know how to apply my Animated Sparse Volume Texture, as the material node doesn´t seem to accept that type of asset…

Also seems as it is kind of buggy, because I might import my sequence and all good, until 5 minutes pass and then it dissapears…

Skeletal mesh jitter while switching LOD, and Groom don’t bind anymore to skeletal mesh.

Well still better than Ark with all dlc’s combined :joy:

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I got you Mastering VBD in Unreal Engine 5.3 - YouTube

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I got you here Mastering VBD in Unreal Engine 5.3 - YouTube

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Thanks, definetely helps!! I still get this bug where my VDB sequence just dissapears…

It’s not in the roadmap notes, but there is now support for this in 5.3. The cvar is r.VolumetricFog.InjectRaytracedLights. It’s off by default because of the performance cost. Can you try it out and see if it works for you?

According to Nicholas Frechette (author of ACL), starting with 5.3 the Animation Compression Library codecs are being adopted as the default compression codecs for UE5. Any word on whether this made the preview? There’s nothing on the roadmap but I realize it’s probably a minor upgrade to most people (not me, I have TONS of animations)

Seems to be huge CPU spike both in editor and also after a few mins at runtime from dev/shippping builds when testing the local pixelstreaming plugin signaling server. 99% CPU utilization when streaming from editor. Also when testing deployment it appears the mouse input cursor has some strange offset to its tracked origin on the UE.53 preview branch.

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LOL… Yea… Right with you buddy.

So is light attenuation radius outlines broken for anyone?

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Thanks @jon_eg! It is indeed working for all light types but directional lights. Which is the one I need. Can you check if support for it is still coming?

Hi I found this very helpful as I am into GPUlightmass
Exploring Volumetric Fog in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine Render Farm (irendering.net)

The following are the Volumetric Fog features that are currently supported:

A single Directional Light with a Light Function and shadowing from Cascaded Shadow Maps or static shadowing.

Anybody know if there is any heavily cooked sample I can use with 5.3? I tried to build and cook the Lyra sample that comes with the engine repo but it failed during the cooking process about missing files

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I know that the first post says “[Issues fixed in 5.3 ](the fix may not be included in the current available Preview)” but in the 5.3 preview build, DistanceToNearestSurface and DistanceFieldGradient are still broken.

You can test it with objects having “Affect Distance Field Lighting” on and off, lumen on/off, etc, but it’s still broken. I don’t feel like downloading and compiling the github build but does anyone know if it’s fixed on the main or 5.3 builds?

I’m still at ue4.27 :skull_and_crossbones: