Unreal Engine 5.2 Preview

Yes, just install the 5.2.0 preview from the epic games launcher like normal. A universal binary is one that contains binaries for both systems and your system will chose the appropriate one at launch. You can verify by opening activity monitor and looking under the “kind” column. It will say either Apple or Intel.

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Is there any update on Project Avalanche? I hoped some news would come up during the presentation.

I have also had zero luck locating this. I really hope they release it soon. I myself have a 4090 and was really looking forward to putting it through it’s paces with this demo.

You guys should really focus on reducing the ridiculous amount of bugs and performance problems.

My dev has noticed 50 to 90 fps boost on his device on 5.2 comparing to 5.1, so there’s that. Although I do agree that editor UI’s performance and random freezes leave much to be desired

Was there a change to how “max draw distance” works for lights, since it is not behaving “as usual” anymore? (lights turn off too early - but only in packaged (shipping) builds, not when being played in standalone in editor.)

Testing a Lumen scene… (yes, a lot of weird things over there):

Download the project if you want to check:


Going to try this thanks

“Even with native builds, Nanite and Hardware Ray Tracing are not currently available on macOS due to hardware and API limitations.”

Why did Epic add support for Metal raytracing in 5.2 then? :thinking: (I am referring to this commit: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/e8eb20415ff1e01ee651775a0f89abee8c3a542a)


Does anyone know if the MetaHuman Animator will be compatible with webcams? I imagine if it can link up with a headset, that should be the case, but I don’t own a Mocap headset, so maybe there’s a differing interface?

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Wait what? When did this happen?

What about water system? Is it finally works with 8k landscape?

Still no landscape hlod?

You’re saying it’s available thru Epic Games Launcher. Can you please indicate where or how to access it? I can’t see or locate anything about it.

Landscape HLOD has existed since 5.0


I think that i found a bug. I build a game in UE 5.2 Preview and it’s working perfectly in my PC (GPU: GTX1650 4GB), using or not using the PixelStreaming parameters.

When i try to run in AWS EC2 instance (GPU: Tesla T4 15GB) it works perfectly without PixelStreaming parameters. But, if i create a shortcut with this adiciotnal tags:
-PixelStreamingIP=localhost -PixelStreamingPort=8888

The game load and show inicials frames, but stop to responding in the first second of rendering.

More details, like logs, here

hi @Leomerya12 ,
You are in the wrong discussion forum, we are all source code testers and 5.2 Preview and not for production this is fast paced and new features may not appear in the in final version says it not about Metahuman

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Looks like the only options are professional vertical stereo HMC capture solutions or iPhone 11 or later.

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First off, thank you for reaching out.

Second, you completely overreacted to my post, and threatening to report me to moderators because I put a request in all caps (with no exclamation marks, mind you, seeing as you’re picking hairs) is excessive and out of touch.

No one is insulted, accosted, threatened. Nor have I used profane language.

To be clear, my intention playful impatience like this:

judge judy

Please, in the future, give people the benefit of doubt before you start applying your own filter to their innocuous words. Let’s not be oversensitive.

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