Unreal Engine 5.2 Preview

Yeah, I would really love to see the Electric Dreams demo be released so we can see the procedural tools in action. Maybe they’re hiding it because it runs terribly unless you have a 4090?

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Yes I’m wondering the same thing. Unreal newbie here with just purchased Apple M2 Max.

Did you find out the answer yet?


Same issue! Thought I’m too dumb not figuring it out. Speed-wise I found no difference. Still extremely slow.

Is the Hair Grooms Fixed? Or are they still vanishing?

Not yet.

From the roadmap:

Precomputed Nanite displacement mapping via static texture map (Beta)

So… how is this supposed to be used? Does anyone know?

Apologies if this has been addressed, but I was curious if anyone was able to test Metahuman Animator/ Live Link App yet? I have 5.2 downloaded, but I can’t seem to install the Metahuman plugin through the normal means in the Epic Games Launcher… any ideas?

“Planned to release in the next few months, MetaHuman Animator will produce the quality of facial animation”

It’s not happening to me. I package a windows project yesterday, with “water plugin” activated without any problem! And, i was having a lot of problems trying to package this same project in UE5.1.1… The new version saved my project!!

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You can also get 5.2.0 preview 1 from the tags

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My project keeps crashing on conversion to 5.2. Something about Navigation throwing an error. Yep I have a large Dynamic Nav Mesh Area, since it’s a listen server game. As soon as I deleted it. UE5.2 was able to convert it. So Nav Code has issues.

I would like to try and use unreal engine. but i got stuck at setting the character.
tried for two weeks, every day. too bring a modeled and rigged biped or mixamo character into unreal.
Finally i gave up on unreal, and shifted too unity.
my workflow the character was rigged using biped, exported too fbx imported in mixamo.
exported to 3dsmax, and made a biped again from the skeleton. imported that
In unity with an payed template. and voila. the rig and the character came trough.
all bones where regonised, and when not you could select for example the spine002 and select it on the template one.

maybe im the only one that has this problem, but the character mapping thing is really difficult too figure out. its like motionbuilder. which i also dont understand.
maybe if unreal has an module script window wizard for bringing characters with rigs
from biped or mixamo in an easy way that recognises and assigns bones
and set them up automatically.
i will try unreal again. because the visuals and some features are top notch.


Huge thanks for epic games that you allow us to use ue5 entirly free. New features look great and effort is adorable. I hope you have solved slow virtual shadow problem. Because that harshly reduce fps and i have to not use wpo so can’t use wind effect on plants or stuff like that.


Unfortunately, due to the hardware limitations of Mac devices, it is not possible to support the advanced technology of Nanite. This cutting-edge technology is specifically optimized for efficient performance in demanding work environments. Nanite’s intricate design requires substantial processing power, which is simply not available on Mac devices.

Although this news may be disappointing to those hoping to utilize Nanite on their Mac devices, it is important to note that the technology’s functionality is not compromised in any way. Nanite’s advanced capabilities remain unparalleled in the industry, offering exceptional performance and streamlined workflow to those who are able to use it.

While it may be frustrating to Mac users who are unable to access Nanite, it is essential to recognize that this technology was designed with a specific purpose in mind, and that purpose is optimized for high-performance work environments. The unique demands of these environments require a level of processing power that is not currently available on Mac devices, but this does not diminish the remarkable capabilities of Nanite.

In conclusion, while Nanite cannot be supported on Mac devices, it remains a game-changing technology that has revolutionized the way we approach high-performance computing. Its optimized design and exceptional capabilities make it an invaluable tool for those who are able to utilize it, and while it may not be available to all users, it remains a powerful force in the industry.

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Update There is a new course from State of Unreal 5.2 called
:file_folder: Electric Dreams Environment: Unpacked Overview - Electric Dreams Environment: Unpacked (epicgames.com)

NEW Unreal Engine 5.2 Procedural Plugin Tutorial - How to Use It Very Easy! - YouTube

FREE download of Rain Forest pack here on Google drive
RainforestDemo Build - Google Drive

Paid content in Marketplace is
Procedural Forest Landscape in Props - UE Marketplace (unrealengine.com)
But its NOT the one is the GDC 2023

The announcment is here
Procedural Content Generation Framework (Experimental) - Unreal Engine Public Roadmap | Product Roadmap (productboard.com)
but its experimental.
Epic Tutorial
Tutorial Part 1 to make the forest used later in 5.2 PCG tutorial

UE5.2 Procedural Generation Plugin - Ep1 - Introduction - YouTube
This uses the free Marketplace asset
temperate Vegetation: Spruce Forest in Props - UE Marketplace (unrealengine.com)

Unreal Engine 5.2 | Procedural Content Generation Framework In Games | Epic Developer Community (epicgames.com)

new YouTube video tutorials
Unlock the Power of Procedural Content Generation in UE5.2: Beginner’s Step by Step Tutorial - YouTube
Unreal Engine 5.2 | Procedural Content Generation Framework In Games - YouTube

Google items

Procedural Content Generation Framework - Google Search

Another feature of 5.2 is Path tracer its reviewed in this YouTube video
Unreal Engine 5.2 FIXES Path Tracer - YouTube


This was written by AI, wasn’t it?

Chat Gpt 4?


This is:

Dear user,

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding Nanite support on the new Unreal Engine 5.2 release. While we understand your frustration, please know that our decision not to include Nanite support on Mac hardware is due to technical limitations.

Nanite is an advanced technology that requires a high level of processing power, and unfortunately, Mac hardware is not currently capable of running it. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we are constantly working to improve our technology and expand its capabilities.

We appreciate your understanding and would like to emphasize that Nanite is an incredible technology that allows for unprecedented levels of detail and scalability in game development. We encourage you to explore its many benefits on platforms that support it.

Thank you for your continued support of Epic Games and our products.

Best regards, [Your Name]


I guess I was assuming that was in the official release of 5.2 that it would be a couple months, and that it would be available for testing in the pre release noted in this post. Is that not correct?

In 20+ years of making things with 3d software I have only ever seen a few occasions when Apple was on top. Like when they released hardware with intel quad cores and they took the lead in the 3d industry for a few months for rendering speed. And I suppose arguably with the iPhones from time to time also like the depth sensors and the software that came with it was imho better than anything else out there.

But 99% of the time Windows / linux is really the only options if you want the latest tech. Don’t expect that to change in the future with Apple.
Its a tough pill to swallow for many mac users but they have always lagged behind when it comes to 3d support.


5.2 is nice and all… if the Engine wouldnt forget to put the “Binaries” folder next to the “content” folder in packaged projects :rofl:

No Errors, nothing, builds fine, but is missing the aforementioned folder.

Guess its time to wait for Preview 2, to properly test stuff.