Unreal Engine 5.2 Preview

Has anyone UnrealEditor-D3D12RHI.dll replacement for the UE 5.2 to make Path Tracing work with GTX cards as it was in UE 5.1?

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This is addressed in this roadmap card: https://portal.productboard.com/epicgames/1-unreal-engine-public-roadmap/c/971-unreal-editor-native-support-on-apple-silicon

Lumen with Software Ray Tracing on Mac should be working and has been supported since 5.0. Please report any issues that you find, thanks!

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The full list you describe is always published with the final release, as it may change between the preview releases and final release. The roadmap linked in the top post is the closest thing to release notes for the preview release, and does contain a good amount of detail if you click through each card.

Currently there is no Nanite and Hardware Ray Tracing support for Mac platform. You can look at 5.2 roadmap. Problem is not about your RAM and CPU/GPU core count.

Mac’s graphics processing units (ARM based GPUs) are not same with regular graphics cards (Nvidia and/or AMD) on algorithms and api aspect.

I believe when mobile platform supported, Mac will get it, too.

But there is no specific time for that. You shouldn’t depend on it too much.


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Did you enable rtx? and don’t have a card that supports rtx? during project startup

That was once true, things have changed.
The new apple chips are very capable (in terms of hardware). Software didn’t catch up yet though, Metal is still behind DirectX12 for example in giving the foundations for something like Nanite.
On the other hand, maintaining a codebase for so many different platforms is more than challenging, that’s probably why the focus on PC.


The demo featured at GDC doesn’t seem to be publicly available, but the blog post about GDC says

Electric Dreams is a real-time demonstration that showcases new features and updates coming as part of the 5.2 Preview release, available today via the Epic Games launcher and GitHub.

But when looking on the Epic Games Launcher (I presume they mean via the marketplace), I could not find anything.

Just in case the blog post meant the Epic Games Store, I checked there too with no luck.

I also checked the Unreal Engine GitHub repo, and again, I didn’t have any success.

So it looks to me as if something has gone wrong, and the demo isn’t publicly available by mistake.
This demo is awesome, like many others, I’d love to play around with the demo and learn from Epic’s example.


I think the pivot in UE will actually be in the location of world grid center in maya. So after setting the pivot of object if you move the object so that the pivot is in world 0, 0, 0 or the grid center and then export it, the pivot will be exactly in place in unreal engine.

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I checked UE 5.2 yesterday and it looks like that landscape tools are still broken on macOS. Niagara Fluids doesn’t work, no water simulations.

Metal 3 API has Mesh Shaders, so I don’t see any problems with implementing Nanite with it. Only wish from Epic Games team :wink:

But Apple has never been a priority platform for Epic Games. At least with that 5.2 release we have native Editor with M1/M2 architectures support.


I have a strong feeling that UE will support Nanite on Mac eventually, not Mac supports Nanite. They just got to figure out how to do it! Give them time! :wink:

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That line sounds to me like its saying 5.2 is available, not the Electric Dreams demo. But that may just be me ha.

Question: in the roadmap, you said: “With 5.2, Unreal Editor is available as Universal Binary in the Epic Games launcher.”
Is this a separate download for Mac? Or do I just install the 5.2 preview like normal?

Both MRQ and high res shot will crash unreal with high amount of spatial samples. Legacy video capture works fine.

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What’s about Avalanche?

Will we ever be able to export a game for Windows from Mac and vice versa?

This is the singular only issue that makes me have to use other game engines as a solo indie dev. Otherwise I would switch to Unreal and never look back.

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Packaging for windows fails if you activate “Water” plugin. Reported the bug.

Good thing that epic is adding more options for consoles, however I still feel that it needs some “basic” gamepad features in blueprints, like simulating a left click event while controlling the cursor with the left thumb stick as an example.
I have seen people ask for this feature 10 years ago and still nothing.
It is still impossible to start a drag and drop operation with a gamepad by only using blueprints, which makes intermediate/complex inventory systems quite unusable or tedious to use on consoles.
No one likes to click 15 times on the D-Pad just to get around the inventory, this is actually one of the flaws of Ark on consoles.

Sorry for the rant.

Light channels working with nanite is awesome, and I will be using it a lot in the future!

I don’t see where this is available on github - am I missing it? I wanted to test with my game but I need to build from source. Many thanks.

EDIT: I see it’s in a separate branch, not in the list or releases. Leaving my comment here for anyone else who might have the same confusion.

Finally a build for Apple Silicon! It was way too slow running under emulation.

On MacOS 13.2.1 I keep getting permissions popups. It seems to not be saving the permissions. When I check in settings Unreal Engine has permission to access but the permissions window comes up over and over and over. To the point where I cannot even use the software.

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Oh baby I’m excited for this download to finish so I can try out that procedural landscape prefab tool. You guys are doing great work, solo dev has never been easier!

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