Game is stopping to responding only in AWS server and with Pixel Streaming parameters activated

I build a game in UE 5.2 Preview and it’s working perfectly in my PC (GPU: GTX1650 4GB), using or not using the PixelStreaming parameters.

When i try to run in AWS EC2 instance (GPU: Tesla T4 15GB) it works perfectly without PixelStreaming parameters. But, if i create a shortcut with this adiciotnal tags:
-PixelStreamingIP=localhost -PixelStreamingPort=8888

The game load and show inicials frames, but stop to responding in the first second of rendering.

I tried to package reducing DirectX to 11 and SM5, but stay not working. I am looking the logs but it don’t show problems. The only relevant thing that i found was that GPU Tesla T4 support DirectX12 SM6, but the application decid (i don’t know why) to use DirectX11 SM5. But, it works fine without PixelStreaming.

I am become crazy trying, a few days, to solve this. If someone could help me i will be very thankfull!

(i will copy below the logs)

AWS Server with PixelStreaming (FAIL).log (113.3 KB)
AWS Server without PixelStreaming (SUCCESS).log (145.0 KB)
My PC with PixelStreaming (SUCCESS).log (204.1 KB)

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If somebody comes here, let me register:
I found part of the problem:


So, i upgrade to WinServer 2022 and now i am using DirectX12 SM6 and RayTracing (and working on other issues :sweat_smile:)