Unreal engine 5.1 LED DMX matrix limit test - Bigger than 13x13 will not work. Why?


In short I’m testing the limits of the LED matrixes of the Unreal engine 5.1 DMX plugin system and I found some very problematic limits, limits in which in other software that perform the same functions, we do not have (Also free open-source software like QLC+ 4 ).

Video test of the creation of a 13x13 and then a 20x20 RGB LED matrix (that is, the one that gives problems, or rather… any matrix exceeding 13x13 will give problems) - Youtube:

In the following 2 images I show how in Resolume Arena, if I create a matrix of 13x13 (= 507/max.512 DMX channel) there are no problems in Resolume… but in Unreal engine give problems/error (as you can see in the Youtube video below). If, on the other hand, I create a 20x20 matrix (i.e. 1143/max.512 DMX channel) in resolume, the channels in excess of the 1 universe are automatically patched correctly also in the subsequent universes, instead in Unreal engine, it gives me an error and forwards it won’t let me use the 20x20 matrix.

The Unreal engine error is as follows:

“Exceeds available DMX Address range. Ending Address is 1,200 but max Address is 512”.

The error message logically makes sense… but let’s consider that in Resolume arena and QLC+ 4 the error does not exist because they have already taken care of this common problem that all “stage light programming software” programs have sooner or later had to face.

My request is: is it possible to implement also in Unreal engine the function that all excess channels are automatically patched also in the following DMX universes in order not to create problems/errors?

Thank you so much for your time and your work.
I await your reply for clarification.

A greeting,

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Wondering if you’ve found a workaround for this yet?

Hi eplatero. I’m sorry, I haven’t found any solution for this so far.

Hi everyone.

Just a little update. I would like to point out that the problem has not yet been resolved; but I found some other forum posts that talk about the same problem (the link of which I will post below).

Furthermore, I will post below the screenshot of a section of the Resolume Arena manual which describes the “Auto span” function, i.e. that basic functionality which unfortunately Unreal engine does not yet have.

Here is the link to the post and the image of Resolume auto span:



Please, if anyone finds a solution, please reply to this post below.

A thousand thanks.