Unreal Engine 5.0 Preview

I think procedural work is in the process, but from what I read asset initialization is currently a very big cost in nanite (slightly more manageable in lumen). Procedurals largely don’t work, but it’s definitely on the list, might be a 5.2 thing however.

Will you update SkookumScript for UE5? Also will the Stuttering bug when spawning NPCs be fixed? Apparently this wasn’t an issue until version 4.27.

Also, Using the new Animation retargeting method, the bone animation from the root bone moves to the pelvis bone, which is completed unusable for root motion requirement.

I am experiencing sudden fps loss with every change in Preview 2 version. Material save times are too long. Hopefully some of these issues have been fixed. Thanks :slight_smile:

WPO effects in Preview 2 work fine for me. But I cant use DistanceToNearestSurface in combination anymore. Plugged into the base color it looks fine. Just a gradient. But in wpo its creating a weird black twin of my mesh. All my foliage interaction is broken now =)

Could you please make exporting animations from sequencer to respect paranting and exports animation proper way. That is the huge problem stopping everyone from using ue4 for production purposes.

Ahhh… Well that explains it! Those features are probably not going to make it into official 5.00 first release. I’ve read somewhere that anything in the main branch are the stuff they are working on overall and wont be available till much later on down the line.

Q. Bridge just upgraded it. Still doesn’t work. It worked great in eaU5.

Sorry if this isn’t the right place for UE5 bug reports, I’m new and still learning my way around.

Problem: Users who install UE5 preview 2 from the launcher to a non-default install location are unable to clean their own project source.

Solution: Simple edit to Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Clean.bat, move 1 line above another.

Full details here: Generate cpp project Couldn't find UnrealBuildTool - #42 by xi57

Ideally this simple cut/paste change would be committed prior to the next UE5 preview release. :slight_smile:

That could be true, definitely. Given the progress I’ve seen even since preview though, I think a fair bit of the features _Main has could make the cut, WPO is a toss-up however.

There’s one very irritating bug in 5.0 Preview 2 where dragging and dropping actor from outliner into sequencer immediately switches the entire editor mode to animation mode, ■■■■■■■ up the entire user interface.

Does anyone have a workaround?

I encountered lots of crashes using the DirectX 11 and 12 RHI until I switched to Vulkan today, but the performance is very bad. In my RTX 2060, it runs at around 40 fps. I’m worried too.

2060 is not good enough to run Lumen.
You should switch to screen space GI.

Lumen was suppose to run on consoles and non-RTX GPUs in top quality. I wonder what happened to that…

On consoles you can get certified running at 30fps, upscaled resolution.

That’s a weird statement. In one of my cases, it runs on 1070, albeit a top-down scenario.

When talking about rendering, it would be useful to provide more details (if possible, not under NDA) than just stating that RTX 2060 “is not good enough”. That’s quite a vague statement.

@Stevenmbiz didn’t even mention Lumen, or anything actually… a lot of things could affect performance :wink:

The goal is more like 60fps in the outerior, at High scalability setting.

Although I wouldn’t expect too much from pre-RTX GPUs, it’s not the case here.


Lumen ran perfectly for me before and after I got my 2060 even when still using the EA ver of UE5 on windows 7. Back then I had a Ryzen 7 and 16GB of ram and after moving to windows 10 I had no problems with the GPU assisting Lumen either as a feature. And everything works even better in Preview 2 based on my experience as well.

It makes no sense for someone to switch to Screen Space GI. Lumen is software raytracing on SDF’s and doesn’t depend on special GPU RT cores at all for this process unless you tell it to via “use hardware raytracing when available”

This is why so many people are able to run lumen on old hardware (GTX) because we have the ability to switch back and forth between these options whenever need be.

In my experience with UE5 so far, the only time I had serious problems was when the original Hardware Raytracing features were STILL activated along with Lumen separately. Hardware raytracing is deprecated and therefore really shouldn’t be used as it causes a lot of problems. And the following are a few examples of this:

Hardware raytracing Shadows don’t work with NANITE because they trace against the wrong virtual interpretation of the mesh. Hardware Raytracing Refraction doesn’t work with Lumen GI and illuminates any object not based on the Lumen scene at all. Hardware Raytraced AO is no longer needed because lumens is more accurate based on LUMEN GI. In almost every situation Ive seen where someone is having issues its because for some reason they still keep these features turned on.

There’s ALOT of console commands you need to put in too in order to get everything optimized correctly because there are things that just don’t work right at the start. Its so easy to miss that you would think there is something wrong with the engine when its just a simple setting that needs to be off or turned on. Like for instance, how shadow caching with VSM causes shadows to be sustained between frames or glitchy when rendering in the sequencer. I had this problem with EA but then found that this can be fixed pretty easily by disabling the shadow cache. Its also best to do it because it impacts the performance somewhat with this on. This issue didn’t seem to be fixed yet.

And also if you have lumen turned on with GPU being used to accelerate it, then you will DEFINITELY experience issues with static mesh instancing and performance. For months I could not figure out why I couldn’t use LUMEN and Hardware Acceleration along with a simple field full of foliage. Everybody else was able to have a ton of grass but when I asked them how they did it they said its because they turned lumen off or the GPU aspects off. And this bothered me. I looked at the documentation and it said that you cannot have more than 100k instances which to me is problematic because I still wanted the GPU benefits of Lumen and turning it off would not only effect the grass but also my entire scene.

So the solution was to simply deactivate the Raytracing Instances ONLY which allowed me to get the best of both worlds. When doing this though I lost AO details in the grass but that was nothing that an AO map could not fix. I ended up going from literally 3FPS to above 100 just for this little change. And the grass ended up looking EXACTLY the same as the Raytraced instance version because of that AO map. GO FIGURE!

Something THAT small made all of the difference. And then I found out later this happens because if you have only VSM turned on but your materials have Cast raytraced shadows checked, you somehow still pay a cost as if hardware raytraced shadows are still activated. This is even though its ONLY supposed to be VSMs being the cost. So there are just so many little things that can cost you BIG time which is why you may be in a situation where you see one person online seemingly doing all of the same things as YOU but instead getting better results. UNREAL is a tough nut to crack man no Joke. Anyway I hope this helped.


To be more specific, I’m using Niagara for my sword trail that caused the DirectX crash. I had the same effects work without any issue using EA2 that’s why I post my comments here. I think all the crash issues appear because Epic still adds new features to the previews which could cause the beta stages to get longer and longer…

I see what you mean. The only thing that is truly giving me issues right now is the pathtracing. It worked fine without crashes in unreal 4 and early access but now it seems to crash all of the time on me. It happens more frequently when I use subsurface scattering. I wish this wasnt the case as I am trying to avoid using any other programs for rendering outside of unreal engine.

I get about 35-40fps on a 1070. Not great, certainly not 60. Will upgrade at some point when GPU prices fall (, yeah right) but given that a 1070 is as good or better than what the majority of users in the steam hardware survey are running, I would agree it is not ideal

I think the big issue right now is that system requirements are outpacing affordable hardware. That’s not Epic’s fault either.

At the end of the day I will upgrade to a 3090 but it doesn’t matter at all, what matters is that it runs on the majority of end users hardware and that won’t be shifting much until GPU prices undergo some correction.