Unreal Engine 4.8 Released!

[=MC ;308541]
I happened to notice a weird issue today. Nothing major but looking at my scene, I have a couple lens flare reflections. However when I mouse over the Content Browser, 1 of them disappears but only when I’ve mouse’d over the CB… weird. Still taking my time to go through a lot of stuff but so far nothing too killer. I did notice a ton of bugs w/ DFGI but I know that’s in a pretty early state.

To clarify on how to enable, am I correct by not only adding a Movable Sky Light but also a Moveable Directional Light (on top of r.DistanceFieldGI=1 in ConsoleVariables.ini and enabling Distance Field Generation)?

Can’t wait to get a couple terrains imported in from World Machine and test out all the new foliage features!!! :cool:

Awesome job to the dev and support team for making the release happen!

Hey MC -

I am trying to look into the disappearing lens flare. Can you give me some more information about the setup you are using in particular the Post Processing Settings and the Material setup on the Mesh that is generating the Reflections? I’ve linked a Test Project in 4.8, feel free to make any changes to it for a reproduction and upload it back up here.

Thank You -

Test Project

Somehow, in 4.8 many static objects stop casting shadow. Anyone got the same issue?

Hi KillerPenguin -

I am beginning to look into this issue for you. Can you give me some more details about which particualr meshes you are seeing this lose of shadows with and what your lighting setup looks like?

Thank You -

Can I still activate LPV for dynamic realtime GI in 4.8? In previous versions I would enter “r.LightPropagationVolume=1” in the config file, but it doesn’t seem to be making any difference now, and I’m not noticing color bounces/“bleeding” in indirect lighting. It could be my eyes though.

[= ;308380]
Hi ,

What do you mean by this?

LPV has been in the engine since, I think, 4.1 or 4.2. DFGI can be enabled in 4.8 and you can check 's post about its status here: The state of Distance Field GI in 4.8 - Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums

If there is something you’re missing feel free to ask here or post a question in the Rendering section of AnswerHub and I’ll be glad to help out. :slight_smile:

Yes but looks like the LPV and DFGI are still experimental, no ?

Hey MC -

I am trying to look into the disappearing lens flare. Can you give me some more information about the setup you are using in particular the Post Processing Settings and the Material setup on the Mesh that is generating the Reflections? I’ve linked a Test Project in 4.8, feel free to make any changes to it for a reproduction and upload it back up here.

Thank You -

Test Project

Hey !

Thanks for the response. I just took a look to check and noticed that the PP Settings are at their defaults and the material I’m using (where I see the reflection) is a pretty basic material currently used for testing.

One thing I just noticed also was that when I clicked ‘World Settings’ to check, and having my viewport rendering in real-time, had one of those lens flare reflections flickering. I moved the camera slightly and it went away. I also tried mousing over the CB and noticed it happened again but was very random and only when the POV is at certain angles. It appears to be pretty random and not too clear at the moment.

If you’d still like, I could attach that material and insert it into the test project and re-upload it to you if you’d like.

Thanks again!

Can I still activate LPV for dynamic realtime GI in 4.8? In previous versions I would enter “r.LightPropagationVolume=1” in the config file, but it doesn’t seem to be making any difference now, and I’m not noticing color bounces/“bleeding” in indirect lighting. It could be my eyes though.

Hi Hippowombat,

LPV is still functioning in 4.8.

You can visualize the volume by going to Viewport > Show > Visualize > Light Propagation Volume.

Make sure that you’ve got a Dynamic Directional light in your scene and you’ve enabled Dynamic Indirect Lighting in your light source properties. If you need an emissive texture to feed into the LPV you can do this in the material for the emissive material like I’ve done with the cube in my picture.

Guys, thanks for the 4.8 release :slight_smile:

But… I converted a 4.7 project and opened it with 4.8. Everything seems to run in editor, but I can´t open any blueprint because the editor crashes. Something must have gone wrong while converting the project to 4.8 and copying the files?

EDIT: I just manually deleted some asset packs which were only valid for 4.7 and now I can open the blueprints in editor.

Yes but looks like the LPV and DFGI are still experimental, no ?

LPV recently had some updates come in from Lionhead that should be in the Master Branch on GitHub. I’m not sure if this would be their final fixes or additions, but I imagine it would still be considered experimental until otherwise stated.

For DFGI this is still experimental as mentioned in the post I linked to 's thread. That post will have the most current information about DFGI you can find.

I want to say thanks, and really quickly call’s attention to, “scaled bones now supported in PhAT” because it’s something that’s extremely, EXTREMELY important to the many Blender users who, like me, may have mistakenly started with down-scaled rigs, and I’ve been waiting for it for like 4 versions now, but it’s just buried way down in the release notes with little fanfare.

It would be easy to miss that fact, so be aware of it! I for one am extremely happy to finally have it.

I want to say thanks, and really quickly call’s attention to, “scaled bones now supported in PhAT” because it’s something that’s extremely, EXTREMELY important to the many Blender users who, like me, may have mistakenly started with down-scaled rigs, and I’ve been waiting for it for like 4 versions now, but it’s just buried way down in the release notes with little fanfare.

It would be easy to miss that fact, so be aware of it! I for one am extremely happy to finally have it.

Was also really happy when I read it also, because as you I have been waiting on a fix on this too.
Unfortunately I still have same scaling issues in PhAT. Looks like model is in correct size but bone scaling still wrong. And still complain about bone size to small even though the model looks like it is the correct size (190 cm ingame).

[= ;309002]
Hi Hippowombat,

LPV is still functioning in 4.8.

You can visualize the volume by going to Viewport > Show > Visualize > Light Propagation Volume.

Make sure that you’ve got a Dynamic Directional light in your scene and you’ve enabled Dynamic Indirect Lighting in your light source properties. If you need an emissive texture to feed into the LPV you can do this in the material for the emissive material like I’ve done with the cube in my picture.


I see what I did wrong, forgot the emissive portion. Thank you so much! :slight_smile:

I have a heavy issue with 4.8… I shipped my project and now it takes double time to load… it just freezes for 2 minutes at 10 minutes between 90 and 100 percent. Normaly it would just take a few minutes… if. Why is it so?

I think shader compilation is troubled, and takes longer than it used to.

[=Demolition Man;308806]
BTW, I tried to compile my project last night which ended with errors. The engine references a cook.txt file that is located on users/myname/appdata… The appdata directory on my machine is hidden. So it’s very difficult to find the cook.txt file to determine what errors I had during the compilation process.


If you wish to look at hidden files on , you’ll need to make a change in the control panel. First start by opening up the control panel. If your view is set to ‘Categories’, change it to Large/small icons. You’ll then need to select Folder Options. After that, hit the ‘View’ tab and select the option “Show hidden files, folders, and drives”. After hitting apply, the AppData folder should be visible. If simply finding this cook.txt file cannot help you get around this compiler error, please make an answerhub post about this issue in the Bug Reports or C++ Programming section and we’ll be happy to help you further.


When we published the Release Notes, we accidentally forgot to include a few of our awesome 4.8 GitHub contributors (and we also included a few who hadn’t contributed to 4.8). The list should be correct now, and I’d like to apologize for the delay to the following people who had been excluded:

Artem V. Navrotskiy ()
Cengiz Terzibas (yaakuro)
Mahashin (dmahashin)
Rous (JeffRous)
Jefferson Pinheiro ()
Kazumasa Ohashi (KazumasaOhashi)
Lucas Dohring (nykac)
Kamradt (MarcKamradt)

Sebastian Köcke (byte3)
Rombauts ()
Whittle (stephenwhittle)

Mayer (tommybear)
Tobias Mollstam (mollstam)

Thank you so much for your contributions! (and to all the other contributors as well!)


I have notices that some nodes seem to get auto disconnected from updating from 4.7 to 4.8.

So in 4.8 it looks like this:


And in my project in 4.7 the self reference was connected to the add node.

About the Landscape grass system (not Foliage).

Amazing!!! BUT I would like to keep the CastShadows property from the instances to interact with my DirectLight DynamicCascadeShadow.
If I keep the Elements CastShadows property ON I get that LightingBuildWarnings with objects “entering” the list of objects that I still need to build.
My directlight has no StaticShadow set… Is there a way from use the Grass without get light rebuild errors?

Thank you.

I’ve posted this in the 4.8 Transition Guide post. I felt here would also be a good place.

OK I just tried to upgrade my project from 4.7.6 to 4.8.0 and it’s not working. Getting between 21 to 103 errors in visual .

Before I upgraded, I made sure that everything was working in 4.7.6. Also I made sure to make a backup of my project.

So from there, I right clicked on the *.uproject file and clicked on Switch Unreal Engine Version. I changed it to 4.8. No problems, didn’t get any errors. I loaded my .sln file and there the problems began.

  • I have 2 classes that are telling me Error: cannot open source file “(class name).generated.h”
  • I made sure, as per previous posts that I has $(LibraryPath); in my include paths.
  • As per some, I even tried to run Visual as Administrator. Still not working.

Here’s the errors that I am getting (I tried with win64 and Android):

Error	1	error code: OtherCompilationError (5)	C:\Users\-Andre\Google Drive\Hangar 74\UE4\BengalTiger\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\Error	BengalTiger
Error	2	error MSB3075: The command ""C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.8\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Rebuild.bat" BengalTiger Android Development 
"C:\Users\-Andre\Google Drive\Hangar 74\UE4\BengalTiger\BengalTiger.uproject" -rocket" exited with code 5. Please verify that you have sufficient rights to run this command.	C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets	43	5	BengalTiger

The rest are errors from IntelliSense.

I deleted the Intermediate folder and the ,sdf file and then regenerated the project files. Compiled my project and…

I no longer get the IntelliSense errors but I do get these errors which are similar to the previous ones but not exactly!

Error	1	error code: OtherCompilationError (5)	C:\Users\-Andre\Google Drive\Hangar 74\UE4\BengalTiger\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\Error	BengalTiger
Error	2	error MSB3075: The command ""C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.8\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Rebuild.bat" BengalTigerEditor Win64 Development 
"C:\Users\-Andre\Google Drive\Hangar 74\UE4\BengalTiger\BengalTiger.uproject" -rocket" exited with code 5. Please verify that you have sufficient rights to run this command.	C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets	43	5	BengalTiger

If I start a new C++ project, I don’t get these errors. So there seems to be something not upgrading properly when changing engine version.

What am I missing?


Well, here’s my 4.8 shadow problem thread on answer hub as requested-> https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/241461/48-static-shadow-problem.html

Here’s the image to sum it up comparing 4.7 to 4.8:


ps. I don’t know if this is related to my previous shadow issue, but comparing to 4.7, the new version take very long time to compile a shipping built.

Just wondering if anyone has time to play with this new LOD feature (as I posted here)

Any info would be great! (I won’t be at my UE4 computer for a few days)