Unreal Engine 4.8 Released!

I know this is called a release, but on my end of the launcher 4.8 is still being called “Preview 4”. Is this a bug?

Edit: Figured it out, had to restart my launcher, duh-doink

Gotta be honest, it looks very, very impressive. Lets hope this is stable release and from now on it will only get better and better.

Good job guys!

Got a bit of feedback after dealing with some of the C++ API changes.

Client/Server functions now require the _Implementation in the header, but this isn’t the rule for BlueprintNativeEvent.

Which is very confusing unless you know exactly how this keyword works. For example with ChoosePlayerStart in GameMode I now should override the ChoosePlayerStart_Implementation instead (which isn’t specified in the header and only found in cpp)

so there is any news about ad support and in-game purchases editorial in 4.8??

where merging actor menu in 4.8.0 ?
checked under editor tools option.

Is it safe to convert existing projects to this version?

I see OBB downloading is now supported. You guys came through. Thanks a lot.
And then translucent material supporting reflections… pure awesomeness.

Is it safe to convert existing projects to this version?

Always keep backup copies. That’s my advice.

OK thank you Very good job !! :slight_smile:
Thank you to answer all questions!! :slight_smile:

The 4.8 version of ShooterGame doesnt look right. Anyone notices that too?

I join the rest and say thank you. so much new “epic” stuff. can’t wait to get more grey hairs!!!

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To clarify on how to enable, am I correct by not only adding a Movable Sky Light but also a Moveable Directional Light (on top of r.DistanceFieldGI=1 in ConsoleVariables.ini and enabling Distance Field Generation)?

That’s correct. If you’re not seeing any results, try checking the following Viewport > Show > Visualize > Mesh Distance Fields/Distance Field AO/Distance Field Global Illumination

These separate views can show you the results like so:

These views are a good way to troubleshooting starting point for anything that may be going on and is super helpful when anyone asks questions regarding Distance Fields.

Also, if you’re not seeing anything in your scene make sure you restart the engine and that you’re scalability settings are set to EPIC.

Somehow, in 4.8 many static objects stop casting shadow. Anyone got the same issue?

Hey KillerPenguin,

I’ve not seen this issue myself, but if you can post to AnswerHub in the Bug Reports section we can investigate further and follow up to see if we can reproduce on our end.

Thank you!

The 4.8 version of ShooterGame doesnt look right. Anyone notices that too?

Hey ,

We’ve got a report on the AnswerHub that we’re investigating soon. We’ll update with anything we find.

You can also follow status here: Shooter Game red reflections - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums


BTW, I tried to compile my project last night which ended with errors. The engine references a cook.txt file that is located on users/myname/appdata… The appdata directory on my machine is hidden. So it’s very difficult to find the cook.txt file to determine what errors I had during the compilation process.

for the first time since around 4.5 the editor has not crashed within the first 15 minutes!!! yay thanks Epic

Now then NVidia, what about these cars then?
how many more years until they get fixed?
do we really have to replace the entire physics engine ourselves?

Thanks ! The foliage system is insane !!! even with Millions + grass, draw calls are super low just wow :cool: and you can do this in like 1 min. Then you can just populate alls levels with the same “LandscapeGrassType” class. Just wow.

BTW, I’ve been having trouble with creating a working version of ShooterGame since 4.6. While it successfully compiles in the engine, when I attempt to run the compiled program on my win7 GTX750ti machine with the latest nvidia drivers all I get is a black screen or a few seconds of the intro movie and then a black screen. What’s frustrating is that it works perfectly fine in the editor.

Using UE 4.8.0 and the latest version of 4.8 shootergame in a brand new project. No modifications made.

for the first time since around 4.5 the editor has not crashed within the first 15 minutes!!! yay thanks Epic

Now then NVidia, what about these cars then?
how many more years until they get fixed?
do we really have to replace the entire physics engine ourselves?

Hi ,
I’ve been having trouble with my vehicles as well. Every one of then is leaning to one side or the other. I’ve been reporting that since 4.8 preview 2. If we where using UDK, I would say that it looks like a COMOffset issue with the physics asset. One additional thing that I did notice is that my helicopter which does not use the vehicle blueprints as a parent seems to have perfect physics. So I think the physics issue is in the vehicle blueprint that epic recommends we use for cars.

What is Input: Gesture Keys are now blueprint bindable? It’s in the new features list, under the blueprint section.
Does that mean I can bind keys with BP? If yes how can I do it?