Hey, anyone knows if the sample projects will be updated in tandem with new features upon release? I tried loading the landscape mountains project with 4.6 preview and the viewport was flashing/seemed garbled. I do know that some of the foliage doesn’t have lightmap UVs (like the pine tree mesh) so maybe that’s causing issues in light of the new static lighting quoted above.
Normally with each release like they also update the sample projects also. They have done so in the past anyways.
Can anyone explain what the new Humanoid Rig is exactly? Is it related to or different from the Blue Guy?
We have the “Humanoid.uasset” file (…“Engine\Content\EngineMeshes”) since UE 4.5.
It’s related to the Epic Skeleton a.k.a. HeroTPP and we need it to retargeting animations between characters that have different Skeletons.
Now Epic, will you consider adding a female mesh and skeleton in there too? It seems odd in day and age to have just a male only one and it risks alot of Market Place content being for male characters only.
Does the network record/replay system support seeking around to arbitrary points in time and playing back in reverse?
From what I’ve seen it looks pretty barebones at the moment, just server demos and playback. From what they’ve said in their streams they seem to have ambitions for it to become a part of spectating and being able to show instant replays.
There isn’t a substantial difference between male and female skeletons, aside from hip sway which is functionally superfluous and can be added with ikinema/MotionBuilder/anything that does procedural animation.
I could be mistaken, and would love to hear a counter argument.
Really excited for the emissive lighting–does that work like how it did in UE3 or is it a better method? Specifically, in UE3 it looks like it would analyze the surface and then place invisible lights to match the emissive level of the texture. It didn’t give all that great of results.
Requiring the use of GetMesh() and GetCapsuleComponent() because Mesh and CapsuleComponent will be private in the future. We are accessing these in children classes and they should be protected and not private. I hope the guys behind change have thought about that. It would be best for the children to have direct access to the data or if you plan on having a Set function it should be inline.
ComputeVelocity on the ProjectileMovementComponent is now const. We were calculating a different velocity / air drag component and we saved off other variables. Now we’ll need to come up with a new way to save that data that doesn’t change our child ProjectileMovementComponent class. Is there a good reason for making const?
There isn’t a substantial difference between male and female skeletons, aside from hip sway which is functionally superfluous and can be added with ikinema/MotionBuilder/anything that does procedural animation.
I could be mistaken, and would love to hear a counter argument.
Other than average height and the pelvic area, the differences in skeleton shape are small and subtle, but movement can be very different.
Trying to tackle the animation through overlays isn’t ideal, but can be done.
The reason why I would like to see a mesh and skeleton help promote more female meshes and animations on the Market Place. Right now the amount of Male characters on the Market Place significantly outweight the female, whilst anims are for men too.
I appreciate that it’s possible to easy create your own mesh and skeleton and Epic want to promote a pro-active fan base, but many people using these tools will only use what they get with the Toolset and from the Market Place.
I’ve just been able to get the 4.6 preview down, a bit late but, better late than never I guess, and busy moving my project over and testing things out. I spot a few things that kinda got broken but the one thing I’m trying to fix, I just don’t know what to do, nothing I do works. I have a problem with my projectiles. They don’t move and when I run PIE, then quit, in the log I get warning…
Warning Movement component ProjectileMovement1 must update a PrimitiveComponent, but owning actor ‘RockProjectileL_BP_C_0’ does not have a root PrimitiveComponent. Auto registration failed.
The root component is a sphere and has a static mesh and light as children. A sphere is a primitive component right?. I tried swapping out static mesh to the root in stead, or making capsule or box and none of it works. So, not sure what’s the problem. I even tried to make a simple new projectile from scratch just using a static mesh directly, but it doesn’t work either. I don’t know if it’s a bug or I need to set it up completely different?.
EDIT:- It works now.
So, of course as soon as I post , I get it working. I just killed the projectile movement component and re-added it back and it works without any warnings.
I came across a really weird thing with the Output Log window. If I click on some text inside the window, it freeze the editor completely. I tested over and over and had it docked and floating and it happens every time. I can click in the empty space in the window and I can click and drag the scroll bar, but as soon as I click on text in there, it freeze the editor.
Other than average height and the pelvic area, the differences in skeleton shape are small and subtle, but movement can be very different.
Trying to tackle the animation through overlays isn’t ideal, but can be done.
The reason why I would like to see a mesh and skeleton help promote more female meshes and animations on the Market Place. Right now the amount of Male characters on the Market Place significantly outweight the female, whilst anims are for men too.
I appreciate that it’s possible to easy create your own mesh and skeleton and Epic want to promote a pro-active fan base, but many people using these tools will only use what they get with the Toolset and from the Market Place.
We did a motion capture with a male and female actor for a recent project so I second request. Especially the female movements are much more “elegant”, so some sample content from Epic for females would definitely be good to have! It’s really off-topic of course, but an important topic.
I found digging through the 4.6 source. I built 4.6 (and ran the 4.6 Preview) but I can’t find where the Widget is hiding in the Editor. I tried creating a new Widget Blueprint and dropping a panel on the design view then went digging around to see if I could cast it/sub-class to SWebBrowser in BP but no joy. I’m really new to Unreal so I’m a tad lost in the weeds. If is the new in-game browser, can someone walk me through what I’d need to do to add it to a scene/level?