Unreal Engine 4.6 Preview!

You can still do it in the WidgetBlueprint, just do it in the Tick function and store the result in a member that is bound to the UI.

Fair enough.

[=anonymous_user_2a1f8140d Therriault;179838]
On that note, I was also hoping 4.6 would fix the math expression node build.

@, do you know the repro steps exactly for ? Is it described : 4.5 preview, math nodes preventing cooking - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums

Landscape Split Out ?? lol you know I don’t know what that means :stuck_out_tongue:

could one presume that Landscapes will work as intended in 4.6 then???

Great work been testing the new version out the past week and a half or so and loving it. Just curious has the build lighting been fixed for the github version?

EDIT: Building lighting does seem to work for github version now :slight_smile:


Pure in UE4 only implies that it has no side (doesn’t set any values), random() and time() are both pure functions. In Slate all data bound to the UI needs to come from a const function, so the extension to blueprints mimics by requiring the binding also be pure, otherwise very possible to break stuff.

Thanks to Diat Funa and Darnell! does clarify the matter quite a bit. I guess I was just taken aback by the fact that the UMG HUD functions didn’t work in 4.6 when they worked in 4.5. As I mentioned in my post, they started working again once I checked the “Pure” function box option for each of the items in the HUD (i.e. Health display, Armor Display, Shield Display etc.)

Hey DaEmpty,

I’m looking into the stability you mentioned for the rift. Could you make a post on the AnswerHub (https://answers.unrealengine.com/index.html) to elaborate what you mean and what behavior you’re experiencing with the rift and I will continue to investigate there.

I tried for half an hour to reproduce the crash, but it’s gone.
If no one else has a problem, you should ignore it.

Can I hope for a Motion Blur working with SceneCapture2D ?:slight_smile: What I mean is that when I capture the scene to a texture and project it as a material to a cube or plane, I do have all the “translated” from the camera to the material but without motion blur. It is the only thing that is not working. I am asking about because I saw improvement in the SceneCapture2D in the 4.6 Preview version.

Browser Support - How to use it now?

A very blank preview post, lol…

“Multiple Material Improvements” - Very informative :stuck_out_tongue:

For those of you who haven’t been able to get emissive lighting to work I made a quick video. No narration, just watch my mouse cursor, I start with an empty map using only the starter content.

The two gotchas are you should switch lighting quality to “production” in the build menu and after your scene is set up you should switch view mode from “Lit” to “lighting only” and then back to “Lit”. Otherwise UE4 thinks there are no light sources in your scene and will render the scene as “Unlit”.


What does ‘cast unification’ mean? Sounds awesome, I just have no idea what it means. None. I want it. Give it to me.

What does ‘cast unification’ mean? Sounds awesome, I just have no idea what it means. None. I want it. Give it to me.

I think it refers to changes in C++:

Casting between objects and interfaces is now simple. You can use Cast<> to convert between anything!

Pure in UE4 only implies that it has no side (doesn’t set any values), random() and time() are both pure functions. In Slate all data bound to the UI needs to come from a const function, so the extension to blueprints mimics by requiring the binding also be pure, otherwise very possible to break stuff.

Technically, random() has sideeffects unless you are initializing the RNG everytime you call it: it moves the generator forward, so it is indeed mutating state. In practice, you may consider it side-effect free since the return value is supposed to be different, but it would not be inherently thread safe.

Hi, its great to see all of the new features being developed in 4.6 :slight_smile:

What is the likelihood of P2P networking support being included in the 4.6 release cycle or near future?
I see it is on the UE4 roadmap under wishlist/backlog, Im interested in finding out if I should be working on my own P2P solution or if waiting for a bit would be advisable?


I feel really stupid for having to ask . How do you re-set the swarm agent to work with 4.6? Between upgrading to 4.6 from 4.5.1 and the latest Microsoft Tuesday event for Windows 7, I now get a message that says “Swarm agent failed to load” and the lighting build dies.

So is getting even stranger. While I get message, I can see that the swarm agent has in fact loaded but seems to have gone off into the exporting scene mode and never returns. On creating a new level, everything seems to work fine. So I am thinking that something must be wrong with my level. Where should I start looking?

Adding to my widget blueprint results in a crash when i try to compile it:

**I just like to add that i hope the replication bugs for physic simulation is resolved in 4.6
Its a real game breaker for a lot of projects and is driving me .

See: [4.5.1, Video and Repro Project] I had to revert to 4.3 Again, Set Simulate Skel Mesh Bug On Client - World Creation - Epic Developer Community Forums**

Awesome release guys. I was wondering if I could get some information about a bug mentioned in the answerhub that seems to have been forgotten along the way…


mieszko’s response, thanks!

Question about Web Support, how do we build to web with 6.0 Preview?

[= ;178884]

Major New Features:
Static Lighting on Instanced Static Meshes (including Foliage)


Hey, anyone knows if the sample projects will be updated in tandem with new features upon release? I tried loading the landscape mountains project with 4.6 preview and the viewport was flashing/seemed garbled. I do know that some of the foliage doesn’t have lightmap UVs (like the pine tree mesh) so maybe that’s causing issues in light of the new static lighting quoted above.