Unreal Engine 4.24 Preview

Oh good. I’m not the only person stuck at 81%. :stuck_out_tongue:

Definitely can’t update, can’t even install from scratch.

Yupp, 81% stuck.

Stuck installing/updating. How am I supposed to work in these conditions if I can’t even update or install a preview! <THIS IS SARCASM!!>

Update -> Stuck
Install New -> Stuck
Remove all options but Engine and Install -> Stuck
Restart PC and try again -> Stuck
Install to a new drive and directory -> Stuck

I think we are all stuck on the same chunk of data =(

Hey all - thanks for chiming in! We’ve updated the build. Would you mind trying again?

So far so good, it’s past the stuck point and finished installing a clean 4.24 preview 3 =)

Working again :slight_smile:

Tried it about an hour ago. No Chaos. Trying again.

Works! Update successful ;).

Do you have Chaos? Fracture editor?

Chaos still must be compiled from source. See the overview here.

4.24 P3 source? Have you done it?

Hi I’m trying foliage, it says new version supports : World Position Offset support for Static Meshes (enabled with per-Actor setting). Does any one knows how to test it? thanks

"Fixed! UE-83401 Chaos Fracture Editor is available in the Binary build, crashes if used"
It is not available in 4.24 P3 from the launcher. It was in P2. Very strange.

Still getting the code-generation error with Preview 3. Using Visual Studio 2019 16.3.9 which allegedly has the fix from Microsoft for the original issue.

ERROR: The Visual C++ 14.23 toolchain is known to have code-generation issues with UE4.

Also, is there any way that the fix for Root Motion Source net corrections could get cherry picked from Master into 4.24? We’re all super excited about this fix in the Slackers - GAS Discord channel! :slight_smile:

Nope. In 4.24 P3, Chaos is readily available as a set of beta plug-ins. Just enable them all and you’re good to go. No need to download&compile the source ;).

I enabled the plugins and restarted. No fracture editor or chaos. Explain.

Aha, you’re right! It was there in 4.24 P1 tho…

could you download the source for 4.24P3 and compile. Do you get a clean compile? I just would like **
to if it is possible before I waste 3 more hours. The download from Github has stopped 4 times.

Problem with Skylight and metallic materials. This did not happen in Preview 2.

Create new Level -> Default.
Place a sphere in the level.
Create a new Material, set Roughness to 0 and Metal to 1, apply it to the sphere.
When playing in a new window, the sphere is almost black, when playing in the viewport it works.

This somehow seems to be related to the Skylight and metallic materials. When changing the Skylight mobility, the sphere appearance also changes.