Unreal Engine 4.19 Preview

We even deleted our config section for packaging and recreated it through engine’s UI and it is identical to what we had in 4.18, except two lines. Here is our config section for packaging:


bShouldManagerDetermineTypeAndName=False and bShouldGuessTypeAndNameInEditor=True were added by 4.19.

OK, I’ve found the solution. It seems bShouldManagerDetermineTypeAndName and bShouldGuessTypeAndNameInEditor were added on 4.19. Looking at /opt/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Classes/Engine/AssetManagerSettings.h:

     * If true, the asset manager will determine the type and name for Primary Assets that do not implement GetPrimaryAssetId, by calling DeterminePrimaryAssetIdForObject and using the ini settings.
     * This works in both cooked and uncooked builds but is slower than directly implementing GetPrimaryAssetId on the native asset
    UPROPERTY(config, EditAnywhere, Category = "Asset Manager")
    bool bShouldManagerDetermineTypeAndName;

     * If true, PrimaryAsset Type/Name will be implied for assets in the editor even if bShouldManagerDetermineTypeAndName is false.
     * This guesses the correct id for content that hasn't been resaved after GetPrimaryAssetId was implemented
    UPROPERTY(config, EditAnywhere, Category = "Asset Manager")
    bool bShouldGuessTypeAndNameInEditor;

Setting bShouldManagerDetermineTypeAndName to True solved the issue for us.

Lets hope! I would rather see slower releases with more stability than quick ones.

Do you remember UE4’s version 4.7.6? :smiley:

Hello everybody

I submitted an app to the Apple App Store but they rejected it by saying it crashed and gave me the attached crash log, but I can’t make head or tail of it.

So please help me.


The Log : link text


My app is built for IOS and is using Game Center Achievements and LeaderBoards

And I am using this plugin to show ads : h ttps://github.com/feixuwu/UnrealEngine4-EZ-Mobile-Ads

I am using 4.19 P5

void UEngine::AddOnScreenDebugMessage
    uint64 Key,
    float TimeToDisplay,
    FColor DisplayColor,
    const FString & DebugMessage,
    bool bNewerOnTop,
    const FVector2D & TextScale

The signature did not changed from 4.18 but the behavior did. Now it won’t work for us with key set to anything other than -1. Any FString passed with key other than -1 won’t apper on screen.

A fix-up redirection inside the editor fixed “ERROR: System.ArgumentException: Staged filesystem reference may not start with a path separator or contain an empty path fragment” for us when packaging the game.

Why in the world would you submit an App using a pre-release version of the engine? Wait until the official release and make sure the plugin you are using supports 4.19 fully (which is impossible since it hasn’t been released yet).

Because there is a fix for this problem h ttps://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/96914 in 4.19

Is the longest version gap? Keep expecting to see 4.19 officially released.

So do I bro so do I

Animation notifies are still broken on editor running on hi dpi display. When you try to drag it past the middle of the track it snaps to the middle of the track and will only move back. Running at lower res with UI scaling off on the OS makes the issue go away. Sadly you can’t do this on a MacBook running on OS X which is what I prefer to use.

Then wait for the full release because that problem might be fixed but a 100 new problems are still in place in the preview builds. Epic specifically says that these builds are not stable in the first post.

4.18.3 is keep crashing, and its eating hours of time to rebuild a new project every time fix it

Hello everybody!

At the moment I have version 4.19.0 Preview 5. In my project, I use tree models from SpeedTree 8 (new), which generates export files, which can read only UnrealEngine version 4.19.0 (4.18.3 can’t). However, to my regret, on this version does not work TrueSKY, which I also use in my project (on 4.18.3 all working well). I have rechecked all existing TrueSKY versions for 4.19.0, but all give out one error at startup (look at screenshot).

Help me please.

  1. Can I download, for example, UnrealEngine version 4.19.0 Preview 1 or Preview 2?
  2. Also, do you know about the working version of TrueSKY for 4.19.0 Preview 5?
  3. In which direction do I go to solve the problem?

Don’t expect plugins will work before the final release. This is one reason why it’s called “Preview”.
You could compile the plugin on your own, but I don’t know if there are breaking changes in code…

And you’ll get the best answer in the True Sky thread :slight_smile:

You can always build any version of the engine from the GitHub source.

I’ve seen the recompile thing with Visual Studio only.

I would like to enable the Mobile Multi-View and build the Daydream application. However, the application does not proceed from the black screen.
UE 4.18 will proceed to the game screen.

The new landscape LODs don’t give a proper control and all the LODs looks like at the same point even if try to edit the 2 options in different ways, all the LODs are at the same point rather than before where you can control that way better, here is a waste