Unreal Engine 4.11 Preview

I also, because I would to release my bachelor thesis for a vr company, which ends at the end of march, with 4.11 (instanced rendering).

They said end of march.

Any info on UE-26410? Thanks!

I’m still having this issue, it’s been a couple of months now since I initially tried to upgrade to 4.11 - my project just refuses to open. Have updated to 4.11 P7 now, still the same problem.

I get to 90% loaded everytime, and then I get this.

Project literally works flawlessly in 4.10 and previous versions, it’s only 4.11 where I start to get this problem. I haven’t messed around with any modules or plugins, and the call stack isn’t really helpful.


EDIT: Updating the answerhub post too, but I seem to have found a workaround… the issue appears to be caused by the ‘Plugins’ section of my .UProject file. I guess ages ago I disabled a whole bunch of plugins I don’t use, but not using one of them is causing a module.

.UProject File Causing

	"FileVersion": 3,
	"EngineAssociation": "4.11",
	"Category": "",
	"Description": "",
			"Name": "BZGame",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "Default",
			"Name": "GearVR",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "OculusInput",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "OculusLibrary",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "OculusRift",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "SteamVR",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "GitSourceControl",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "SubversionSourceControl",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "LightPropagationVolume",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "CodeLiteSourceCodeAccess",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "KDevelopSourceCodeAccess",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "NetcodeUnitTest",
			"Enabled": true
			"Name": "HTML5Networking",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "MacGraphicsSwitching",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "SlateRemote",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "AndroidMoviePlayer",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "AndroidMedia",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "AppleMoviePlayer",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "AvfMedia",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "LeapMotionController",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "ArchVisCharacter",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "ScriptGeneratorPlugin",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "UObjectPlugin",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "LevelSequenceEditor",
			"Enabled": true
			"Name": "AndroidDeviceProfileSelector",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "ExampleDeviceProfileSelector",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "IOSDeviceProfileSelector",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "LinuxDeviceProfileSelector",
			"Enabled": false
			"Name": "WindowsDeviceProfileSelector",
			"Enabled": true
			"Name": "Paper2D",
			"Enabled": false

.UProject File Not Causing

	"FileVersion": 3,
	"EngineAssociation": "4.11",
	"Category": "",
	"Description": "",
			"Name": "BZGame",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "Default",

i noticed, that the bug “UE-26273” (related to Hot Reload) is not listed in neither known issues, nor in fixed with preview 7 (i remember in preview 5 it was in the “known issues” list)

I’m guessing you meant “migrate from 4.11 to a stable 4.10”. I don’t have an answer but not all versions behave the same - 4.10 to 4.9 worked for example, 4.9 to 4.8 didn’t. I’m afraid the downgrade doesn’t work for valid reasons, like changes in the file format , so you should wait the 4.11 stable and deal with it, or go back to your last 4.10 commit and branch in your version control system - so that you can keep working, and get your changed bvack with a merge once 4.11 is released.

I actually meant migrating from unstable 4.11 to stable 4.11 when it comes out . Fully aware downgrading will cause issues .I dont mind the wait so long as i can be certain i can go to the stable path again whenever i need to through the 4.11 release . Thanks for the info though .

[= Ellis;489793]
Hi all. Thanks for the feedback, but the are not an ideal place for investigations into bug reports. Please click the link in my signature to log a report on the UE4 Answerhub so that Epic’s Support staff can investigate.


Here’s the report on AnswerHub. Thanks !

I actually meant migrating from unstable 4.11 to stable 4.11 when it comes out .

I never had issues upgrading from preview to stable builds, so I guess that’s safe.

i noticed, that the bug “UE-26273” (related to Hot Reload) is not listed in neither known issues, nor in fixed with preview 7 (i remember in preview 5 it was in the “known issues” list)

Hi Saah88,

Sorry for any confusion this may have caused, but it looks like the fix version has been shifted to the future release of 4.12 to be looked into for a fix. This would explain why you’re not seeing it in the 4.11 known issues list any longer.

Sorry for posting again, but just wanted to get my question out there again: On the roadmap, it says that lighting channels have some serious performance implications, and should be considered cinematics only. This was written a year ago, so I just wanted to quickly check if this is still going to be the case?

**Possible bug ** on terrain flickering with enabled and height map values above 10 in my case, I know this has been reported before but I was wondering since it hasn’t yet been addressed in 4.11?

Perhaps I missed a solution but i looked everywhere!

Previous reports here:

Edit - I have noticed that there are posts mentioning that I shouldn’t use on landscapes? I don’t know if this still applies.

[= K;490519]
**Possible bug ** on terrain flickering with enabled and height map values above 10 in my case, I know this has been reported before but I was wondering since it hasn’t yet been addressed in 4.11?

Perhaps I missed a solution but i looked everywhere!

Previous reports here:

Edit - I have noticed that there are posts mentioning that I shouldn’t use on landscapes? I don’t know if this still applies.

even i am interested about this because of distance flickering when ground is tessellated

even i am interested about this because of distance flickering when ground is tessellated

Okay Managed to come around it by not scaling the landscape and instead using “manage component” to add resolution tothe after I created it. I’m not sure if it was a good idea to scale terrain but I wont be doing it anymore just in case, even thought Unreal Documentation mentions scaling.

Regarding Flickering, that has to do with your material setup, you can do a few tricks there consider this:

Also make sure to have “displacement” in your material set to 100 no matter what took me hours to find out what the camera edge artifact was all about.

Hope this helps.

Hi All,
I’m trying to test on Apple TV, it did not work (prew 1-7). I have all set up. (Apple cert/profiles/DeviceID TV/AppID/ for TV in Dev Member central , In UE 4 all is Green, cert/profiles/bundle name, Apple TV as target platform)

When cooking from editor,

  1. Mobile Device ‘TV’ connected - OK
  2. Transferring IPA to device ‘TV’ - OK
  3. Installing IPA on device ‘TV’ - OK

at end shows “PackagingResults:Error: Error Deployment failed! Unknown Error”

where could I make a mistake?


Win 8.1, PC, Apple TV 2015, UE4 4.11. p 1-7

PS: sorry for my english

hi, in 4.11p1-7 my vehicles start lagging(visually this looks like a lags in games via bad internet, when one player drive a vehicle and another gunner… ) when i drive them… first i think this a 4.11p1 but now im in 4.11p7 and i still have this problem, now I start worried about final release of 4.11, maybe Epic change something in vehicles? also i try recreate new simple car in maya and then import it in ue in standard vehicle example and i also have a little lags(not big like in my advanced suspension car but i have it) so maybe some one else saw this in yours projects?

[= K;490764]
Okay Managed to come around it by not scaling the landscape and instead using “manage component” to add resolution tothe after I created it. I’m not sure if it was a good idea to scale terrain but I wont be doing it anymore just in case, even thought Unreal Documentation mentions scaling.

Regarding Flickering, that has to do with your material setup, you can do a few tricks there consider this:

Also make sure to have “displacement” in your material set to 100 no matter what took me hours to find out what the camera edge artifact was all about.

Hope this helps.

Thanks but setting to 100 wont help, i use DR_TESS_LAND01 ground tessellation. Selecting ground helps and until it is selected then no light flashes, this is temporary workaround.

Just an advise, when you finally release 4.11, can you include a list of “known issue” including any fixes in 4.12 or internal but not fixed in 4.11?

I am using preview 6.

After doing a Full Rebuild of multiple sub levels (20 or more) in a Large Map using World Composition, I cannot save the maps, the editor hangs at ‘Updating File(s)Source Control Status’ dialogue, and doesn’t save the map files.

These same maps save extremely fast and and do not get this source control message when saved at any other time. We are using Perforce. I can re-open the level and save them all if I don’t rebuild the map first. Building each map individually also works, as does doing 4 or 5 at a time, there seems to be a threshold of of actors or maps getting rebuilt in one go, after which they cannot be saved.

  • EDIT - After turning off Source Control, I have the same problem saving maps after more than 20 have been rebuilt. The editor hangs on ‘Saving Map - name’ dialogue instead of the source control dialogue.

I have also tried with rebuilding combinations different sub levels, there is not one specific map that won’t save after being rebuild, it just seems to be the number of them.


With so many different conversations occurring in this forum thread, Epic Games cannot adequately follow up on bug reports here. Please remember to follow our guidelines and report all bugs to the Bug Reports section of the UE4 Answerhub. Our support staff will be able to individually investigate there and work with you on confirming the reproduction steps.

Thank you.

There appears to be a **very **major issue introduced with the FText LOCTEXT Macro. No idea why or how this is even possible:


shader complexity view no longer seems to take into account particles - this is pretty bad, i used to use it a lot for keeping track of overdraw.