Unreal Engine 4.11 Preview

I really really hope it’s not a mistake and they’re going to fix the bugs before releasing. Take a look at the “Known Issues” list.

Actually I’m very happy that Epic is doing much more preview builds than usual.

i second this

With Preview 6 for 4.11 the below is also fixed

Any that’s a mistake and it should February? I don’t think any release had this long period of preview releases as a late March would indicate for 4.11

It is true that this is our longest Preview period yet. There’s a few reasons, including being cautious and giving ample time for testing because the 4.11 codebase has some big changes in it over 4.10 (and 4.10 was only copied direct from 4.9, which in turn came from our branch code way back in July), and also due to scheduling around GDC and other projects. As others have noted, the longer duration allows for more testing, fixes, and overall stability.


Thanks for the info. I’m all for stability, was just confused with the unexpected length of the preview releases. Guess we will end up with record breaking preview 10 or so :slight_smile: .

With Preview 6 for 4.11 the below is also fixed

Yes, this was UE-26794.

That happen to me too with character and vegetation but in other games with Temporal AA I see all without blur (or pretty low amount), but in UE4 is pretty bad.

Does Epic have pans to enhance Temporal AA for 4.12 ?

Are we ever going to see support for the UI on OS X?

Are we ever going to see support for the UI on OS X?

It looks like it might be worked on soon! It wen’t from being marked as a Wishlist item on the UE4 roadmap to a March/April ticket. So maybe if we are lucky 4.13 might have it?


Epic devs, is this something that can happen in 4.11: How to change hotkeys for viewport ? - Community & Industry Discussion - Epic Developer Community Forums ?

4.11 character camera’s height no working
No matter how high I set the camera’s camera.But the result is the same,the camera is on the floor.
Do you know why?

Hi guys, terrific work so far on fixing bugs in this build!

I’m just wondering what work has been done on UE-6451 - The inability to use Set Members in Struct on the member of a struct array?
I saw on that it is labelled as a February fix, so I’m wondering if it will finially come to 4.11?

Is there any of seeing a fix for this : [BUG REPORT] Destructible Mesh spawned as child actor has no bounds - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums

Or even a statement / comment from the devs? It’s been in limbo since June 2015.

[= ;479156]
Hi ,

Please post this question on the and include a link back to the post -Be sure to include the following information:

  1. Are you in a Blueprint or C++ Template?
  2. Are you starting in the Third Person Template?
  3. At what point is the character “disappearing?” In the Viewport, in the CharacterBP or Animation BP, or when you play in Editor? Please be specific.



Not experience that problem again. Perhaps a update fix that. I will do if have the same problem again.

would be nice to have a working substance plugin on the way to final 4.11.
we are working with 4.11 because of the much improved rendering times in lightmass.
but everytime we start a build exe of it, we get the substance-plugin missing info.
somtimes during presentations this is not so nice :wink:

kind regards

Ever since updating to this latest preview I am getting a ton of “Warning Override pins have been removed from …” messages. It says they will go away after saving, but they do not. What do these mean and how can I get rid of them? They are filling my log files up and making it hard to find things.

Any ETA on full 4.11 release?

Early-Mid March.

mentioned that they aim for around end of March.

Since the last preview (6) every time I try to save any blueprint the editor :frowning:

i second this

I third this, it is much better to have a bug-less release!