Unreal Engine 4.11 Preview

Since the last preview (6) every time I try to save any blueprint the editor :frowning:

I get crashes saving, when the editor auto-saves, compiling, playing in-editor, and just generally doing about anything at all.

I think it’s sort of part and parcel to using a preview release, report it on AnswerHub is about all you can do.

Meanwhile, do like I do, and save after everything. Connect a pin? Ctrl+S. Delete a node? Ctrl+S. Need to compile? Ctrl+S, then compile, then Ctrl+S again after it works.

It becomes second-nature.

Killing bugs is always worth the wait. I would always prefer a stable release over a bunch of new features any day of the week.

Since the last preview (6) every time I try to save any blueprint the editor :frowning:

This is probably related to the Compile on Save option. It seems to be causing an issue if its set to Always save on compile. Try turning this off or only to on success and it might help.

**** this looks good, can’t wait until this is fully released.

This is probably related to the Compile on Save option. It seems to be causing an issue if its set to Always save on compile. Try turning this off or only to on success and it might help.

my settings were set to “On Successs” and it crashed but indeed turning if off fixed it

I gotta admit, the latest preview made the engine A LOT more stable for me. Thank you, Epic.

I got a in one of my projects when try run it with 4.11 (4.10 works fine)

Its a scene without code.

[2016.02.25-15.40.17:718]  0]LogActorComponent: UnregisterComponent: (/Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap.FirstPersonExampleMap:PersistentLevel.InstancedFoliageActor_0.FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_0) Not registered. Aborting.
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:949]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F10 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:950]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F11 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:950]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F12 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:950]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F13 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:950]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F14 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:950]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F15 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:950]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F2 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:950]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F25 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:950]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F26 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:950]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F27 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:950]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F28 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:950]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F29 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:950]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F3 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:950]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F30 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:951]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F31 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:951]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F32 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:951]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F33 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:951]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F34 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:951]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F35 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:951]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F36 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:951]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F37 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:951]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F39 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:951]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F40 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:951]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F41 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:951]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F57 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:951]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F64 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:951]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F65 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:952]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F67 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:952]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F69 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:952]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F7 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:952]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F70 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:952]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F71 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:952]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F72 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:952]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F8_51 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:952]  0]MapCheck: Info mod1_F9 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:953]  0]MapCheck: Info muellefinal_79 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:955]  0]MapCheck: Info neumatico30 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:957]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group111_61 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:957]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group113_163 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:957]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group114_165 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:957]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group115_169 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:957]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group116_170 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:958]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group118 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:958]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group119 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:958]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group120 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:958]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group121 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:959]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group122 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:959]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group123 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:959]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group124 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:959]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group125 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:959]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group126 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:960]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group127_63 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:960]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group128_65 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:960]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group132 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:960]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group133 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:961]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group15 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:961]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group154 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:961]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group155 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:961]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group18 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:961]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group19 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:962]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group22 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:962]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group23 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:962]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group24 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:962]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group25 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:962]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group26 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:963]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group27 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:963]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group28 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:963]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group29 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:963]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group36 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:963]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group45_43 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:964]  0]MapCheck: Info piedramarmol_pasted__pCube1_PiedraCantera_group94_59 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:964]  0]MapCheck: Info rampa10 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:964]  0]MapCheck: Info rampa11 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:964]  0]MapCheck: Info rampa1_4 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:965]  0]MapCheck: Info rampa2_65 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:965]  0]MapCheck: Info rampa3 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:965]  0]MapCheck: Info rampa4 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:965]  0]MapCheck: Info rampa5 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:965]  0]MapCheck: Info rampa6 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:965]  0]MapCheck: Info rampa7 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:965]  0]MapCheck: Info rampa8 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.17:965]  0]MapCheck: Info rampa9 StaticMeshComponent0 : Repaired painted vertex colors (slow loading, can be fixed by saving /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap) 
[2016.02.25-15.40.18:233]  0]LogMaterial: Missing cached shader map for material DSC_0151_COLOR_Mat, compiling. 
[2016.02.25-15.40.18:357]  0]LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world FirstPersonExampleMap
[2016.02.25-15.40.18:359]  0]LogWindows:Error: Windows GetLastError: La operaciĂłn se completĂł correctamente. (0)
[2016.02.25-15.40.18:519]  0]LogWindows:Error: === Critical error: ===
Assertion failed: UnbuiltBounds.Num() == (LastUnbuiltIndex - FirstUnbuiltIndex + 1) [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++UE4+Release-4.11\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\HierarchicalInstancedStaticMesh.cpp] [Line: 682] 

[2016.02.25-15.40.18:557]  0]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
[2016.02.25-15.40.18:559]  0]LogPhysics:Warning: PHYSX: ..\..\PhysX\src\NpScene.cpp (2946) 8 : PxScene::unlockWrite() called without matching call to PxScene::lockWrite(), behaviour will be undefined.
[2016.02.25-15.40.18:560]  0]LogPhysics:Warning: PHYSX: ..\..\PhysX\src\NpScene.cpp (2946) 8 : PxScene::unlockWrite() called without matching call to PxScene::lockWrite(), behaviour will be undefined.
[2016.02.25-15.40.18:560]  0]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1)
[2016.02.25-15.40.18:560]  0]Log file closed, 02/25/16 16:40:18

Any closer to skeletal mesh distance field shadows with point lights?

Any closer to skeletal mesh distance field shadows with point lights?

They introduced capsule shadows for skeletal meshes. Those can cast both direct and indirect soft shadows. Basically doing the same thing with different presentation.

Any ETA on full 4.11 release?

My guess will be when the GDC Expo starts in March

Yeah, they should spend time taking care of the all the known issues, and bug-fix further. I’m getting some weird issues where I cannot import a skeletal mesh into 4.10, but in 4.11 it works. Unsure what the issue is but will just wait for 4.11, haha.

I guess UMG got fixing pass?
Had zero crashes after week of working with it! In previous versions I got two or more crashes by daily basis :smiley:

I guess UMG got fixing pass?
Had zero crashes after week of working with it! In previous versions I got two or more crashes by daily basis :smiley:

Woo! Yeah - it had some work done.

I am still on 4.9.2 - has the “compiling a widget invalidates all dependant widgets” bug been fixed?

Unreal Engine being free still seems too good to be true, even if you pay a 5% royalty.

I wonder if this is just an experiment and perhaps in a year UE will no longer be free anymore?

It will be free for ever since the source code wasout there for too long ^^
And to be honest… epic would destroy themselves if they suddenly change their mind. It would have horrific consequences for all.

It will be free for ever since the source code wasout there for too long ^^
And to be honest… epic would destroy themselves if they suddenly change their mind. It would have horrific consequences for all.

Well to be honest, everyone who is serious about developing would understand it if Epic would decide to revert it back to some kind of different payment model. At the end Epic Games is still a business and has to sustain a certain income, otherwise we wouldn’t have the engine around for long.

Well to be honest, everyone who is serious about developing would understand it if Epic would decide to revert it back to some kind of different payment model. At the end Epic Games is still a business and has to sustain a certain income, otherwise we wouldn’t have the engine around for long.

I totally agree - it is just way too awesome with zero barrier entry. You just need to focus, pool your creativity and talent to complete your games.

is there any plan of add decal’s [Set Fade Screen Size] at blueprint?

Is there any Radeon users with shuttering problems then please help report this bug to AMDanswers.unrealengine.com/questions/349734/amd-crimson-driver-1512-crash-to-black-screen-both.html

I am not 100% sure but all tests points to this bug on my Win 8.1 that editor has mass shuttering sometimes and only reversing to pre Crimson fixes this or using -SM4(for me it is much better with this). No crashes on my but just shuttering. Just tested preview 6, like Epic told that this is AMD issue.