Unreal Engine 4.11 Preview

Hey There, this is my first time posting a comment.
I just wanted to ask that, would we be able to change the inherited capsule component shape in future update or any time soon ?
If not, I would love to have it
and if yes than I will be waiting for it eagerly.

Thank you.

Hey There, this is my first time posting a comment.
I just wanted to ask that, would we be able to change the inherited capsule component shape in future update or any time soon ?
If not, I would love to have it
and if yes than I will be waiting for it eagerly.

Thank you.

Its on the board: .com/c/sjjZlwll
Though its backlogged so we have to wait :confused: But vote for it, so they know people want this :wink:

It will be free for ever since the source code wasout there for too long ^^
And to be honest… epic would destroy themselves if they suddenly change their mind. It would have horrific consequences for all.

As long as we make great games that sells well, I’m sure they won’t change their mind anytime soon :slight_smile:


On the roadmap item for Lighting Channels, there is a note saying this feature is intended only for cinematics, due to various performance implications. Is this still the case?

I have a osx issue/bug.
If i launch the editor from the launcher it doesnt give me any error. When i launched it outside the editor i got the error “Required 10.10.5 or higher”. This may be an issue for those wondering why nothing happens when trying to launch on osx

Hi ,

If you are still experiencing this issue, please post this on the Answer Hub with details about your OS and Hardware so we can troubleshoot this more effectively.



Hey, really want to use UE4 but it says im missing VCRUNTIME140.dll and I have no idea how to get such a file. I’d rather not redownload it for a fourth time… and yes, I have Visual C++ 2015 -.-

I am still on 4.9.2 - has the “compiling a widget invalidates all dependant widgets” bug been fixed?

Yes, it was. in 10.2 I think.

Hey, really want to use UE4 but it says im missing VCRUNTIME140.dll and I have no idea how to get such a file. I’d rather not redownload it for a fourth time… and yes, I have Visual C++ 2015 -.-

That looks like the VC++ 2015 runtime, Try downloading it from the Microsoft servers.
Also the C++ side of VS is not installed by default, So you may want to double check that it is installed if you want to use C++


Hey guys, I’m getting a major issue with Vive. The chaperone bounds now seem to lag behind head movement. Doesn’t happen in 4.10. It almost seems like the FOV is wrong/different between the UE4 world and chaperone or something. Happens with or without steamvr running.

I’ve tried but VS won’t install either

Please give some tips on the hair shader/material… please :wink:

As some other people already have requested, I would also very much like some documentation on the hair shader/material combination. Screenshots of the material are good enough. (preferably for and the skin and cloth shaders as well). I am currently making a character for a contest, that really needs this hair shading technology (and also the cloth and skin preferably). The end date is 11 April! Please give some tips before that time ;-). I have watched the Paragon Character Video, but it only hints at the general principles.

UE-25334 no longer working

I’ve been trying to make displacement look good like a **** for 4 hours until I saw this. Meh. FML

UE-26245 any news?

Just looks like usual Temporal AA blur.

I don’t think this a problem with just TAA, when you turn off SSR the ghosting stops.

Me too. I got to the point where I went through identical steps in 4.10 and 4.11-preview-6, at which point I came here to ask about it. And saw this.

Ah well, live and learn.

Guys there must be a way to FORCE the ‘Generate Project Files’ command to generate VS 2015 solution files? Our project is for Android but we’ve been using 2015 just fine, and we don’t want to have two versions of VS installed considering we’re using Enterprise, it’s a ball ache to manage plugins and everything between two versions. Can we please have this as an option? I feel like this is a regression, why not just update the Android stuff to support 2015?

EDIT: Okay luckily this works in rocket builds. Created a new shortcut in my folder directory with the following target, obviously the shortcut will differ for others

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.11\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe" -projectfiles -project="E:/P4/JBaxter_Main/Stormtide/SatSim/SatSim_411/GESGame.uproject" -game -rocket -progress -2015"

First problem I’ve found so far, you can’t build / package a project for Android unless you have the GearVR plugin enabled. The Clang compiler complains about linker errors, which are somewhat obscure.

I enabled the plug-in, restarted the editor and the project packages as it’s supposed to now.

I am having a ton of problems win the latest preview on OSX 10.11.4 Every time I look at a material or try and add a texture (basically anything that will change the preview render in the material editor) it crashes UE4.

I switch to Metal and now just gets stuck in an infinite beachball. I have sent 6 or 7 dumps and will and something in answer hub

Is there any plans in the near future for the media player or something similar in the engine ? It does work quite good just with video. But having sound sync with video is really not working at the moment, and I suspect it hasn’t done that for very long.
Seems weird that it hasn’t gotten updated in a very very long time. Matinee is good but sometimes you would like pre-rendered cutscenes, and that’s when the media player would be nice.
Maybe I am just missing something and there is actually something else we can use ?

Is there any plans in the near future for the media player or something similar in the engine ?
Seems weird that it hasn’t gotten updated in a very very long time. Matinee is good but sometimes you would like pre-rendered cutscenes, and that’s when the media player would be nice.
Maybe I am just missing something and there is actually something else we can use ?

So there is no way to play a video (mp4 for example) in a GUI (3D or 2D) or as a texture on the level ?