Unreal Engine 4.11 Preview

Is there any plans in the near future for the media player or something similar in the engine ? It does work quite good just with video. But having sound sync with video is really not working at the moment, and I suspect it hasn’t done that for very long.
Seems weird that it hasn’t gotten updated in a very very long time. Matinee is good but sometimes you would like pre-rendered cutscenes, and that’s when the media player would be nice.
Maybe I am just missing something and there is actually something else we can use ?

check this link , it has some information for you

First problem I’ve found so far, you can’t build / package a project for Android unless you have the GearVR plugin enabled. The Clang compiler complains about linker errors, which are somewhat obscure.

I enabled the plug-in, restarted the editor and the project packages as it’s supposed to now.

Yes, I created UE-27552 for this issue. It is fixed with this commit: .com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/6c98c5bf5d0abe99b26ffcaf847d229c99fa2374

So there is no way to play a video (mp4 for example) in a GUI (3D or 2D) or as a texture on the level ?

There is, but sound is a big issue to get working and synced with movie image, and since they state that the media player and the widget (which you would use in that case) is both not ready for production it seems quite risky using that in you project :confused:

I see , well that gives some information but doesn’t really solve my problem, hopefully we could get some more information about what happens next with the media player by some Unreal Staff ?
Sure I could probably do a plugin and buy a third party software, but it is not really something I can do without knowing that it would be a valid solution. Would like to be able to use the Media Player :frowning:

instanced stereo

Did anyone get the instaced stereo working? I tried it on 2 computers (2 x 980 Ti) and with SLI on/off and with instanced stereo on/off (the 4 possibilities) I always get something like this:

edit: how come I can’t upload image? It’s only url now?

0% on the second card.

[= Babcock;486346]
Yes, I created UE-27552 for this issue. It is fixed with this commit: .com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/6c98c5bf5d0abe99b26ffcaf847d229c99fa2374

Thanks ,

A couple of other issues I’ve found:

  1. If you press the Android Menu button to remove focus from the app, then click on the minimized window to open the app again, the screen stays black and it never comes back up properly. Our music kept playing in the background so the games obviously running, but it doesn’t display again. This was on an NVidia Shield. Other devices too.

  2. This one has been an issue for a while, but if you add a material to an image in UMG, and set it’s draw / zorder to -1, it doesn’t draw on the device. It does however draw fine on the ES2 preview and on windows, just when it’s on the device it doesn’t work. No idea how that one will be fixed…

EDIT: AHub post: Android Viewport Black on Focus - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums

Did anyone get the instaced stereo working? I tried it on 2 computers (2 x 980 Ti) and with SLI on/off and with instanced stereo on/off (the 4 possibilities) I always get something like this:
0% on the second card.

Well, if I understand well, instanced stereo has nothing to do with bi-gpu rendering.
It is a technique to render both eyes without having to issue draw calls (gpu commands) two times (one for each eye).

So it’s only an optimization of rendering on one card.
I’m not sure it can work on bi-gpu, even with the new “nvidia’s VR SLI” driver mode.


I’m not sure it can work on bi-gpu, even with the new “nvidia’s VR SLI” driver mode.

Sorry, it sounded so logical as VR SLI was supposed to be introduced in 4.11, I thought it’s a way to make it work for both Nvidia and AMD.
So there is no VR SLI in 4.11?

where to download 4.11 preview 6?:frowning:

where to download 4.11 preview 6?:frowning:


This launcher .msi setup
then from launcher you can download UE4

Are distance fields broken in 4.11? I tried to clone a project over for review and there zero distance field shadows and can’t be visualized either.

Is it just me or is DK2 tracking broken?
4.10 works fine, but with 4.11 P6 everything is messed up.
If I look at the floor and shift my view from left to right, the view doesn’t go straight, instead it makes a curve.
Like my eye to neck distance would be 1meter or so.

Also the Showdown VR Demo doesn’t work at all.
Positional tracing is fine, but I can’t look around.

Are distance fields broken in 4.11? I tried to clone a project over for review and there zero distance field shadows and can’t be visualized either.

it’s not supported on mac yet, but it works on windows, i tried it on preview 6

Did anything change in 4.11 in terms of how post process materials handle sampling textures?

A post process I used earlier (4.10) with some sampled dynamic textures and in 4.11 they’re still emitting (tested on a billboard and mesh with regular material and they show up) but in the post process the material doesn’t show up. Any idea what could’ve changed?

Edit: Posted the bug and a reproducible project on answerhub

Vector/scalar parameters are set correctly, but changing the texture parameter does nothing (this worked as is in 4.10).

Any update on this one?

The eye shader setup seems to be a real secret here… A lot of people asked for some guide in the material setup, but ignores! What the big deal? I came here for some guide after I’ve got frustrated trying to make the shader work properly…

Hey Epic! the preview release isn’t to test the stability and search for bugs? What about share some info on how to setup a simple eye shader, so we can test if the new feature is working? :wink:

it’s not supported on mac yet, but it works on windows, i tried it on preview 6

I tried it on win 10… No distance field shadows worked… I have no Issue in 4.10… So not sure what going on Tried it on Blueprint Example project and my own personal project

Found three more issues, two editor and one android:

UMG can have variables / widgets with identical names. Crashes the editor if you try to save, or if you copy-paste, rename and then try to save:

Split-Pins for Structs cause compile warnings, unless you use a ‘break’ node.

Slate Application Crashes on Android with Startup Videos:

I tried it on win 10… No distance field shadows worked… I have no Issue in 4.10… So not sure what going on Tried it on Blueprint Example project and my own personal project

Have you double checked your project settings to make sure that “Generate Distance Field Mesh” is enabled? I can say that I’ve used them in 4.11 without any issue. If that is still giving you issue, open a new project and make sure that you can enable in a blank or different project.

When does the official 4.11 release come out ? I kinda have a problem here where i created a game project with a good bunch of blueprints and levels in a master branch of 4.11 ( Needed a pull request feature ) . I did not realise i cant downgrade the 4.11 project built from source to 4.10.3 binary . Dont have much problems in the pipeline other than a few ones but i’d like to fall back to a stable release . Hoping i can export my blueprints and levels to a stable 4.11 when it comes out .

That’s why you should never use a preview in production.

4.11 still needs some heavy bug fixing, it has to be stable when it comes out. Engine stability is one of the concerns for people switching to other engines.

Here is 4.11 issue with character mesh: Character mesh offset after calling crouch/uncrouch - Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums