Unreal Engine 4.11 Preview

Just looks like usual Temporal AA blur.

Wich is bad and creates these weird artifacts. :c

Just looks like usual Temporal AA blur.

That happen to me too with character and vegetation but in other games with Temporal AA I see all without blur (or pretty low amount), but in UE4 is pretty bad.


Other games seem to have way better algorithms for their Temporal AA. At the moment I just have AA disabled completely, its definitely looking better than Temporal AA.

Other games seem to have way better algorithms for their Temporal AA. At the moment I just have AA disabled completely, its definitely looking better than Temporal AA.

If you turn off Temporal AA some material properties in the visuals go out.

Any date for the final release yet?

I don’t known why or what i do if do something but my “ThirdPersonCharacter” mesh in my testing 4.11 project disappears. Nothing dramatic, i select again the Skeletal Mesh and the Anim Class and its fine again.

Hi ,

Please post this question on the and include a link back to the post -Be sure to include the following information:

  1. Are you in a Blueprint or C++ Template?
  2. Are you starting in the Third Person Template?
  3. At what point is the character “disappearing?” In the Viewport, in the CharacterBP or Animation BP, or when you play in Editor? Please be specific.



>Other games seem to have way better algorithms for their Temporal AA. At the moment I just have AA disabled completely, its definitely looking better than Temporal AA

Make it configurable for your players. I personally would not buy a game without proper anti-aliasing (which is TAA).

I personally would not buy a game without proper anti-aliasing (which is TAA).

Believe it or not, I still play games with AA turned off o.O

Other games seem to have way better algorithms for their Temporal AA. At the moment I just have AA disabled completely, its definitely looking better than Temporal AA.

UE4 TAA algorithm is super sophisticated but for some reason this glaring ghosting problem has gone under the radar for quite long time.

The choices of AA algorithms for the engine has been discussed for years, at the end of the days TXAA is simply the lesser evil. The above screenshot of The Division, for example, has visible font aliasing, very visible aliasing on the fences, and blurred vegetation. UE4 will usually produce less aliasing (at the price of more ghosting and blur on fast-moving objects) while still producing sharp stills.

(Would also never play a game without AA, let alone pay for it)

Why not to implementwww.iryoku.com/smaa/ ?

Basically UE4s rendering guys took all the existing algorithms (yes, including SMAA, MLAA, and any other “new” thing) and decided what was the best. Their conclusion was, according to various posts on this forum over the years, that a temporal AA would have the best effectiveness/cost ratio, and would have a good quality with supersampling, so they came up with TXAA.

Just a question are any you guys using these preview builds for large projects or just testing?

I’m usually using preview builds as development branches that we merge after release.

For 4.11 I made an exception, because of the lighting channels that enabled a big game feature, and now I really really hope the is back in the release…


We have just released Preview 6 for 4.11! Please view the Known Issues List on page 1 of this thread for the updated list of known issues.

Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.11 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project. The official 4.11 Release is currently expected to occur around the end of March.

Note: OculusMobile SDK updated to 1.0. (Desktop still 0.8)


Fixed in Preview 6 - CL 2875303

Fixed! UE-23231 Can’t Upload iOS build signed on PC
Fixed! UE-26423 Crash moving a static mesh in viewport after closing a widget blueprint
Fixed! UE-26606 Ensure adding animation montage to level
Fixed! UE-25272 IHeadMountedDisplay
Fixed! UE-26793 Need to rev LibOVRMobile to 1.01
Fixed! UE-24871 Crash upon selecting the eyedropper in the color picker within the material editor
Fixed! UE-25769 Crash when Copy+Pasting numbered umaps in the content browser
Fixed! UE-26670 Crash exiting D3D12 on GTimerQueryPool
Fixed! UE-27003 LogVisualizer related to deleting stored logs
Fixed! UE-26761 Crash When Compiling Child Blueprint Containing a Custom Event with the Same Name as its Parent’s Event
Fixed! UE-26132 Crash in FWidgetBlueprintEditorUtils::VerifyWidgetRename
Fixed! UE-27011 Directories to never cook, causing packaging to fail to Win64
Fixed! UE-27015 User’s editor crashes when using the a certain EidtorLayout.ini
Fixed! UE-25797 Crash when opening SunTemple on iPad Mini
Fixed! UE-25524 ContenExamples’ Audio map opens to missing NodeGuid warnings
Fixed! UE-26867 2049 : Added missing inline qualifier to fix compile error when TargetRules.ShouldCompileMonolithic() is enabled
Fixed! UE-26221 Unable to package QAGame for HTML5 missing UE4-GameplayDebugger.bc
Fixed! UE-26679 Allow external access to runtime modifications to OpenGL shaders
Fixed! UE-26045 Unable to save blueprint based on character after modifying mesh and undoing
Fixed! UE-22435 Creating a Data Table Using a Struct with a Slate Brush Variable Causes the Editor to
Fixed! UE-24959 “Send and Restart” brings up the Project Browser
Fixed! UE-25341 Compile failure for Android QAGame
Fixed! UE-26503 A Mixer with a Concatenator node won’t loop with a Looping node
Fixed! UE-26719 SetDecedentMobility can if null entry in AttachChildren array
Fixed! UE-25804 Shootergame UI text is corrupted on mac with Metal
Fixed! UE-26828 Setting skeletal controller’s LOD Threshold lower than -1 will stop it from executing at all LOD levels
Fixed! UE-26715 Crash compiling anim blueprint after adjusting chain length in Trail Controller
Fixed! UE-26637 Unable to cancel launch on process
Fixed! UE-25751 Ctrl + z still active in PIE
Fixed! UE-26622 Crash on exit of editor after working with lights
Fixed! UE-26858 In App Purchase Callbacks not called if the game is paused
Fixed! UE-26109 Can’t undo scaling of a Character in the details panel
Fixed! UE-26838 Crash undoing deleting a function
Fixed! UE-26817 Reparenting Blueprint causes unmodifiable event dispatchers
Fixed! UE-25451 Construction script on child actor components not respected in PIE
Fixed! UE-26642 Switch Skeletal Mesh node crashes the editor if the blueprint is compiled.
Fixed! UE-26818 CRASH: Undo after a “Node Refresh”
Fixed! UE-26860 Ogg-vorbis decoding not thread safe
Fixed! UE-27098 Memory leak in shaped text
Fixed! UE-22037 Vehicle Advanced template during play in Safari
Fixed! UE-26135 2002 : Fix Assertion failure in -[NSNextStepFrame lockFocus].
Fixed! UE-23208 Crash occurs switching to Render Preview level Mobile on Mac
Fixed! UE-26934 Landscape brush no longer visible in Unlit and Wireframe mode
Fixed! UE-26794 Framebuffer fetch compile errors on Adreno 5xx devices
Fixed! UE-26181 Debug Created Players in -game on Mac Metal do not render anything except for the skybox
Fixed! UE-26830 Debug symbols are required for the Shipping packaging configuration
Fixed! UE-26620 Packaging fails after changing from Dynamic to Static Nav Mesh Runtime Generation
Fixed! UE-25802 GDC2014 (FeaturesTour2015) level is washed out on Mac
Fixed! UE-25894 Crash occurred after signing into orion -game
Fixed! UE-27140 GearVR camera late-update missing
Fixed! UE-25554 Child Transform Malfunctions if Parent Static Mesh Component is Rotated in an Actor
Fixed! UE-26826 Replacing a blueprint that is referenced within a level blueprint with a duplicated blueprint and pressing play crashes the editor.
Fixed! UE-25746 Translucent Materials deployed to device only render world grid material in 4.11
Fixed! UE-26728 SteamVR motion controller late update sampling old transforms
Fixed! UE-26746 only transition graphs in Third Person Template
Fixed! UE-26639 Compiling multiple projects with DebugGame will cause subsequent builds to fail
Fixed! UE-25264 FBX Import for Skeletal Meshes normals not correct
Fixed! UE-25066 [CrashReport] Crash When Attempting to Enable the Stereo Panoramic Capture Plugin
Fixed! UE-27067 Packaging for DLC with plugin multiple times causes failure due to file path length

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub

Very nice! Several of these were bugging me.

Impressive as always!

Woohoo, we must be getting close to a final release, please!!! =)

[= Ellis;479688]
The official 4.11 Release is currently expected to occur around the end of March.

Any that’s a mistake and it should February? I don’t think any release had this long period of preview releases as a late March would indicate for 4.11

Any that’s a mistake and it should February? I don’t think any release had this long period of preview releases as a late March would indicate for 4.11

I really really hope it’s not a mistake and they’re going to fix the bugs before releasing. Take a look at the “Known Issues” list.

Actually I’m very happy that Epic is doing much more preview builds than usual.