Unreal Engine 4.11 Preview

Is there any known bug with trace channel in 4.11P5? They seem to be completely messed up here, I set one to block but instead another channel is blocked and the one that should be blocked is ignored…

Any particular reason ImageWrapper was moved from Developer/ to Runtime/ in preview 5 (was still in Developer in preview 4)?
Breaks being able to just compile the same source from 4.9-10 for 4.11, since you have to change all your includes to #include “Runtime/ImageWrapper/Public/Interfaces/IImageWrapper.h” for example.

Come on you beauty 4.11 so close I can feel it :wink:

It seems something with the camera refactor doesn’t work as expected on gearVR

Is there a new version of raycast distance field shadows for pointlights?

Id like pointlights that raycast field shadows in realtime without building anything. Is there any way to fake it maybe?

Can someone explain what the Stereo Layers VR update is about?

UE-25994 Tilemap using Masked Lit Sprite Material not Rendering in Standalone mode

I notice this in the issue list of preview 5, I have not experienced this in my project using preview 4, is this new?

I hope Landscape Tessalation becomes more viable with 4.11, for larger worlds.

It seems something with the camera refactor doesn’t work as expected on gearVR

Hi Frederick,

Can you please post this to AnswerHub in the Bug Reports section so we can investigate? Make sure to include any needed steps to repro the issue along with the Gear VR 1 or 2, device, OS version, and all other relevant information needed.

Thank you!

Is there a new version of raycast distance field shadows for pointlights?

Id like pointlights that raycast field shadows in realtime without building anything. Is there any way to fake it maybe?

Hi Kanizitas,

If you have Distance Fields enabled for your project you can enable their use on any Point/Spot Light by setting this in the Details panel. There is a category for Distance Field Shadows that you can enable them with a check box.

To adjust the softness of the light source you can adjust the Source Radius for the light.

I got some problems with some png textures in 4.11, some get like too much bright after importing (switch to jpg work ok), i don’t known if someone report any problem importing png textures.

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Hi Kanizitas,

If you have Distance Fields enabled for your project you can enable their use on any Point/Spot Light by setting this in the Details panel. There is a category for Distance Field Shadows that you can enable them with a check box.

To adjust the softness of the light source you can adjust the Source Radius for the light.

Thats not what i asked XD This technique needs to build for meshes. Wich takes long and is not efficient.
Im asking for a dynamic realtime work that dont needs to be build in any way, that will only appear in renderer.

Thats not what i asked XD This technique needs to build for meshes. Wich takes long and is not efficient.
Im asking for a dynamic realtime work that dont needs to be build in any way, that will only appear in renderer.

Building distance fields take a long time. This is the reason those can’t be build in realtime. It’s most efficient way to precalculate them instead of calculating them each frame from scratch.

Did anything change in 4.11 in terms of how post process materials handle sampling textures?

A post process I used earlier (4.10) with some sampled dynamic textures and in 4.11 they’re still emitting (tested on a billboard and mesh with regular material and they show up) but in the post process the material doesn’t show up. Any idea what could’ve changed?

Edit: Posted the bug and a reproducible project on answerhub

Vector/scalar parameters are set correctly, but changing the texture parameter does nothing (this worked as is in 4.10).

Anyone else experiencing changes to editor performance requirements in 4.11?

Since switching I can’t even PIE without crashing the engine. If I launch the game from the desktop it works just fine so I don’t think it’s an issue with the project, it just seems like the editor is unable to draw memory/cycles for itself when playing a game like it used to.

Will the 4.11 version have a fix for the UE-23236 bug?

I have a ghosting effect around my character, is this related to 4.11 ?


Just looks like usual Temporal AA blur.

Just looks like usual Temporal AA blur.

Swicthing back to FXAA the effect disappeared.

after install 10.11 previev1(2) in my vehicle BP when i press compile button- editor go (without feedback/report window), also my vehicle start lag when i drive it

Hi , please post this question on theand include the following information:

Are you on a Mac or PC?
Are using the Vehicle or Advanced Vehicle BP Template?
Are you using a custom vehicle or an asset the comes with the template?
Can you reproduce this issue in either the Vehicle or Advanced Vehicle BP’s and, if so, can you provide repro steps for us to reproduce the issue on our end?



*Please include a link back to this post