Unreal Engine 4.11 Preview

What about UE-20920?

Hey guys,

Just curious, do you need to do any mesh setup to get LOD dithering? The UT team just updated to 4.11 and my custom meshes don’t seem to be dither, while the stock ones do.

edit: nvm, missed the material setting!


posted a bug here

anyone else experience projects going black on android?

Jus got a big on OS X with Preview 5. Not even a kernel panic just a black screen then the machine rebooted. Weird. Preview 4 didn’t do this. I was running the project. Trying to reproduce.

Wait wait wait, I just saw on the front page that the marker based anim syncing is in preview 5? Like, the Paragon “reverse root motion” thing that was shown? That’s awesome as hell!

On a side note, is there any that you guys could write whether or not a preview is just fixes or if it includes new features? I almost missed this marker based thing and the anim dynamics from preview 4 (or was it 3?).

Having issues with decals, disappearing on the left eye o_o 4.11 Preview 5

Please fix these bug,UE-20798,UE-20815
Are these very difficult?

Having issues with decals, disappearing on the left eye o_o 4.11 Preview 5


Can you post this on the AnswerHub in the Bug Reports section so we can investigate and track the issue there?

Please include any relevant information needed to reproduce the issue. You can also click the link in my signature for “How to report a bug?” to make sure all necessary information is included.

Thank you!

Please fix these bug,UE-20798,UE-20815
Are these very difficult?

Hi pafupafu,

Both of these issues are on the “To Do” list, but have been pushed to be investigated for 4.12. This could still get pushed out further depending on other priorities and bugs. Sorry for an inconvience this may cause and thank you for your patience.

UMG graphics looks horrible when game is paused, VR and normal (but I never tried in previous versions, just 4.11.0 preview 5)

EDIT: the problem is related to TemporalAA I tried with no AA and was perfect!

Is it possible to elaborate more on "
•Landscape layer whitelisting, allowing you to control which landscape components should accept which layers in the painting tool" or to point out a reference that explains this? Thanks!

What version of the Oculus SDK do i need to run on 4.11 preview 5? (too many pages to scroll through)

EDIT: Nevermind, sorted

Hair - Intersecting Braids in the mesh.

I’m getting a hair model ready for 4.11

Can you guys tell me if intersecting braids in the mesh will cause problem? Look carefully, parts of one braid will intersect with the mesh of the other braids.

Is this okay? Am I going to be forced to make a depth map to remedy this?

Should I go in there and separate the braids from colliding with each other?

Hi, I am really hoping UE-27010 can be addressed in 4.11 We are waiting to get our alpha out for testingwww.cdfstarfighter.com and we really need the menu not to before we can start testing.

We would really appreciate it if UE-27010 can be fixed in 4.11

My 4.101 crashes if i copy a material function from one to another… also if you import to differently… err… i mean if you change the import directory and delete the old directory, after loading the project later the deleted directory’s return… empty.

Hey guys a question, Why doesnot the UE Editor support Split screen in Mac osx el captain ? mean i want to split my screen ( xcode one half and editor other half ) but the UE editor doesnot support split view on mac. any plan on adding this quick change ?

Hi, Will bug UE-20355 (text render component not updating it’s text) be fixed for 4.11 ?

It’s a minor annoyance and you can circumvent it by renaming, but that gets tired fast, it’s these small things you know… probably small to fix too :slight_smile:

Am I the only one finding translucent decals looking wrong as of 4.11?

Has something changed options-wise that I need to tweak to get those materials looking how they were before?

ETA on 4.11?

instant complete when trying to use the color picker from vectro3 in the material editor window, made smaller so i could poll a color in the viewport.