Unreal Engine 4.11 Preview

Any word on whether or not UE-18622 will be included in 4.11?

I really need that one fixed, there is a PR for it. .com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/pull/2010

UE-25747 is listed both in Fixed! in Preview 5 and in the Know Issues list

Hah, good find. I’ll investigate this one tomorrow and take it out of this quantum state of uncertainty.

[= Ellis;470689]
Hah, good find. I’ll investigate this one tomorrow and take it out of this quantum state of uncertainty.

First you guys provide an awesome engine and then you actually build a working Heisenberg Compensator too? :smiley:

Thanks and keep on it :slight_smile:

UE-25747 is listed both in Fixed! in Preview 5 and in the Know Issues list

[= Ellis]
Hah, good find. I’ll investigate this one tomorrow and take it out of this quantum state of uncertainty.

Actually this one is basically accurate for being in both lists. The bug was reported for “several Mobile devices”. A fix was made. Many of those devices did get fixed, but the issue still occurs on Mali based devices now. (we should have just opened a new bug)

Any word on whether or not UE-18622 will be included in 4.11?

Sorry but it doesn’t look like this one will make it into 4.11. The current aim is 4.12. If you desperately need the fix, I encourage switching over to the use of source code and integrating the code from the pull request yourself.


Is 4.11 on track for a late February release?

Is 4.11 on track for a late February release?

I’d like to know this as well, we are building a new image for the computers at our university and don’t know if I wait for 4.11. We can wait until the end of the month only.

Is 4.11 on track for a late February release?

We are currently anticipating a March release for 4.11.


[= Ellis;471320]
We are currently anticipating a March release for 4.11.

Thanks for the info! Would it be possible to get some kind of documentation/examples for the new shaders hair/eye etc. beforehand? Even just highres screens of the material and texture setups would help.

Really looking forward to those lightmass changes, here’s hoping I can trim a few hours off my bakes.

It doesn’t look like JIRA [UE-20602] is getting to be fixed since it’s been in since V4.9. Is there any way to make a BP project go back to using V4.8?


Sorry but it doesn’t look like this one will make it into 4.11. The current aim is 4.12. If you desperately need the fix, I encourage switching over to the use of source code and integrating the code from the pull request yourself.

I would but unfortunately this is for BP only Marketplace asset that i need this fix for.

Thank you for the clarifying that it wont be in 4.11

What about audio? Are there any new features?

Hi Epic,

Any update on these 2 issues

Will these be fixed in Final release of 4.11?

P.S: Is there any public bug tracker where we can track the current status of bugs instead of troubling you guys?

Something about the issue of the events of the media player?

Setting the bundle id in ios for packaging appears broken in 4.11.

I get a codesigning error complaining that the provisioning profile does not match my bundle identifier "???com.YourCompany.XXX??? even though the bundle id is explicitly set in the project settings.

This occurs in both new and converted projects.

Also - Is there a way to view the currently open issues (e.g. -only view of Jira)?

Would be really useful to see if a bug is a known issue, or what progress is being made

Thanks for any feedback/advice/help

New hair model works with Masked rendering so shadows should also work. Dynamic inset shadow will help with resolution related problems. Also you never should bake shadows to albedo map because it will not darken specular at all. But instead you should use Cavity map which is grayscale texture. Then you multiply albedo and specular value(usually 0.5) with this. Physically Based Materials in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

Would I use xNormal to make this cavity map?

I this from the link you gave me:

“Small scale geometry, especially details only present in the high poly and baked into the normal map, will not be picked up by the renderer’s real-time shadows.”

Does this mean there won’t be any shadows inbetween strands of hair laid out on hair cards? The hair cards would have albedo and normal map, but it seems I need an AO/Cavity map right?

“To capture this shadowing, we generate a cavity map, which is typically an AO map with very short trace distance.”

Anyone know how to make this AO map that is technically considered a cavity map? I have 3d , zbrush, xnormal. Maybe xnormal can make AO/Cavity map from your high/low poly versions?

"This is multiplied by the final BaseColor before output and multiplied with 0.5 (Specular default) as the Specular output. To be clear this is BaseColor = CavityOldBaseColor, Specular = Cavity0.5. "

This I understand I think. The way the nodes multiply with each other in the material setup.

Depth Map for Hair

Does anyone know how the Paragon guys made their hair depth maps? Does it have anything to do with this link: Artists Tools and Workflows for Rendering in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

Hi ,

I took a look at the UnrealEngine Git history to understand why was disabled after Preview 2, but I’m afraid I didn’t find an answer. Can we hope the feature will be back in the 4.11 release ?

Very, very unstable

Hi guys! I installed and tested preview 5 yesterday and have never experienced so many crashes in the editor. Selecting and moving objects in the editor seemed to be the “offenders”, so hopefully this will be fixed in the next preview. Also, the materials seem to be missing when building projects for android devices. I haven`t seen this one on the “known issues” list, but hopefully the devs are aware of it.


Edit: I guess this is what`s causing the editor to constantly –> UE-26423 moving a static mesh in viewport after closing a widget blueprint .

I just noticed little bug which you added in 4.9 update, it is still there in 4.11P5 + master. It’s just one line fix, so I hope it will make it into final version.

Quick pull request:


It took me some time to find the reason why my feature stopped working, I did not expect BeginPlay not firing because I was working with native class.

Thanks for the info! Would it be possible to get some kind of documentation/examples for the new shaders hair/eye etc. beforehand? Even just highres screens of the material and texture setups would help.

Seconding this. No need for a big /explanation yet, simple screenshots of the texture/material setup for the new skin/eye/hair shaders that can be used as base reference, would already be a tremendous help. There is nearly a month 'til the official release, it would be great if artists could use this time to warm up with those shaders.