Unreal Engine 4.11 Preview

New hair model works with Masked rendering so shadows should also work. Dynamic inset shadow will help with resolution related problems. Also you never should bake shadows to albedo map because it will not darken specular at all. But instead you should use Cavity map which is grayscale texture. Then you multiply albedo and specular value(usually 0.5) with this. docs.unrealengine.com/latest...sed/index.html

Apologies for being somewhat off-topic, but it relates to the official documentation here. Isn’t manually multiplying the albedo by a cavity map the same as “baked in” occlusion shadowing? It’s not hard to the document incorrectly (that you should manually multiply the albedo), if in fact you should simply leave the albedo alone, plug the cavity map into the AO slot and multiply it once with a specular constant. It could be edited for clarity. :slight_smile:


has anyone experienced black materials with 4.11 pre 4 ( android build )?
We have simple pixeldepth node material for fog in our game and it all stopped working. Im looking into if its our fault but if anyone has stumbled upon any bug with this just let us know so we can stop looking…^^.

Apologies for being somewhat off-topic, but it relates to the official documentation here. Isn’t manually multiplying the albedo by a cavity map the same as “baked in” occlusion shadowing? It’s not hard to the document incorrectly (that you should manually multiply the albedo), if in fact you should simply leave the albedo alone, plug the cavity map into the AO slot and multiply it once with a specular constant. It could be edited for clarity. :slight_smile:

It’s not same. With cavity map you multiple albedo and specular. This occlude diffuse and specular light for direct and indirect light. AO slot only occlude indirect light(both diffuse and specular). Baking occlusion for albedo texture occlude diffuse light from direct and indirect but does nothing for specular. So prebaked shadows to albedo map can look wrong if you get specular highlights to dark spots.

any news on approval of the Wwise Plugin for 4.11?


My argument is that multiplying the cavity map with the albedo before it enters the BaseColor slot is incorrect, which I’m not sure you’re addressing. Of course one should not used baked in shadows when importing albedo. I’m saying the BaseColor input is not aware of the difference between a user multiplication with a node and multiplication in photoshop. I’m not sure what you mean about occlusion from direct light, as I believe this is to be handled by the normal map and not a cavity map at all.

Can we get some tutorial examples of how the new attenuation setting can work? :slight_smile: Tried 4.11, but sound occlusion for example didn’t work for me.

[EDIT] Got it to work now! :slight_smile:


My argument is that multiplying the cavity map with the albedo before it enters the BaseColor slot is incorrect, which I’m not sure you’re addressing. Of course one should not used baked in shadows when importing albedo. I’m saying the BaseColor input is not aware of the difference between a user multiplication with a node and multiplication in photoshop. I’m not sure what you mean about occlusion from direct light, as I believe this is to be handled by the normal map and not a cavity map at all.

Difference is that with cavity map you can also occlude specular.
Normal map does not occlude anything. It just does add normal variation per pixel instead of per vertex.

[= Ellis;467348]
I’ve learned that GLES 3.x won’t be part of the 4.11 Binary.


That is pretty upsetting, but thanks for finding out.

Can you please tell us when, if ever, GL ES 3.x will be one of the standard options shipped with UE4 ?


I’m please could you expand on what the following means for VR. I primarily work in large scale VR for education. So need to run stereo in full side by side mode on lecture screens. We still use head tracking and wand devices but are constrained to using Unity 3D because we can use a custom camera rig and frustum to control the FOV and eye sep. Currently the only VR systems supported are small scale VR headsets with additional warping distorting the side by side to correct headset lens distortion needed.

Will any of these new features support turning the post process distortion off? I’m not sure I understand the release notes, any help would be appreciated. I’d much prefer to work with UE4 than Unity 3D on the next project.


[= Ellis;437457]

  • VR Updates:

    • Instanced Stereo Rendering

    • Head Mounted Display Camera Refactor

    • Stereo Layers

    • SDK Updates: Oculus SDK 1.0, SteamVR 1.0, PlayStationVR SDK3 Updates, and Gear VR LibOVRMobile 1.0 (not yet updated for Preview 1, but will be by final release)

    In 4.11 preview 4 I am still experience an issue similar to UE-25625, but only with inherited BP actor. I have been experiencing this issue since around 4.7.

    I have a Parent BP that inherits down into 4 child BPs that in turn inherit down to ~8 grand-child BPs each. Occasionally when I open after UE4 crashing usually one or more of my grand-child BPs will have their values reset to the defaults of the parent/grand parent.

    I was first under the impression this may have been a “feature” that pushes down the defaults down to the children BPs, but it only affects some grand-children seemingly randomly while the others remain perfectly fine. After about 5 crashes all my values will be back to their defaults.

    Does this sound like UE-25625 or perhaps a different bug altogether? Does any one know of any work arounds? I worked around this by data driving all my defaults, but this is quite tedious and was hoping this would be resolved in this version.

    Also, a new issues I’m experiencing on 4.11 preview 4 is inability to launch to IOS due to company name in plist file. I made a post on the answerhub here:

    Any one else experiencing this as well? Is this potentionally related to UE-25571? The quick version of the issues is that it appears that Bundle Identifier is being ignored when “launch to device” is used causing a identifier in plist which causes the package to be rejected by IOS.

    I would appreciate any help with these issues.

    In 4.11 preview 4 I am still experience an issue similar to UE-25625, but only with inherited BP actor. I have been experiencing this issue since around 4.7.

    I have a Parent BP that inherits down into 4 child BPs that in turn inherit down to ~8 grand-child BPs each. Occasionally when I open after UE4 crashing usually one or more of my grand-child BPs will have their values reset to the defaults of the parent/grand parent.

    I was first under the impression this may have been a “feature” that pushes down the defaults down to the children BPs, but it only affects some grand-children seemingly randomly while the others remain perfectly fine. After about 5 crashes all my values will be back to their defaults.

    Does this sound like UE-25625 or perhaps a different bug altogether? Does any one know of any work arounds? I worked around this by data driving all my defaults, but this is quite tedious and was hoping this would be resolved in this version.

    Also, a new issues I’m experiencing on 4.11 preview 4 is inability to launch to IOS due to company name in plist file. I made a post on the answerhub here:

    Any one else experiencing this as well? Is this potentionally related to UE-25571? The quick version of the issues is that it appears that Bundle Identifier is being ignored when “launch to device” is used causing a identifier in plist which causes the package to be rejected by IOS.

    I would appreciate any help with these issues.

    I’ve been fighting a similar issue with inherited BP in the current release with 4.10. For whatever reason, the thing will reset all my child class variables with whatever values are in the parent BP. Interestingly enough, it doesn’t happen with all the children of a class. This has made me wonder if something was upgraded in the engine since it seems that it is always with the older inheritance classes.

    [=Demolition Man;470005]
    I’ve been fighting a similar issue with inherited BP in the current release with 4.10. For whatever reason, the thing will reset all my child class variables with whatever values are in the parent BP. Interestingly enough, it doesn’t happen with all the children of a class. This has made me wonder if something was upgraded in the engine since it seems that it is always with the older inheritance classes.

    This would be a good thing to check. Tomorrow I’ll create some brand new BPs full of inheritances and will see if I can do anything to get them to reset. If it does work it is still not an ideal solution as larger BP projects would take some time to complete migrate over manually*, but it’s better than no solution.

    *Assuming r-click>duplicate would also duplicate the bug itself.

    Can we get some tutorial examples of how the new attenuation setting can work? :slight_smile: Tried 4.11, but sound occlusion for example didn’t work for me.

    [EDIT] Got it to work now! :slight_smile:

    In that screenshot you had your filter frequency up to 20kHz which essentially means the sound will be unchanged since the filter isn’t doing anything. Same thing with the volume attenuation, so setting either of these values lower (or higher in the case of the volume attenuation) will cause audible changes provided the radius and falloff of the sound are large enough.


    We have just released Preview 5 for 4.11! Please view the Known Issues List on page 1 of this thread for the updated list of known issues.

    Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.11 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.


    Fixed in Preview 5 - CL 2858478

    Fixed! UE-23373 [CrashReport] Crash occurs opening some animations - TSharedMapView<FName,FString>::Find()
    Fixed! UE-26336 Crash importing a skeletal mesh while the same mesh is open in Persona
    Fixed! UE-26230 Selecting a component on an instance crashes the editor.
    Fixed! UE-26203 Crash Occurs When Using Move Component To and Overlap Event
    Fixed! UE-26103 CLONE - Right clicking text fields causes window to shrink
    Fixed! UE-26004 Crash when redoing a paste of a copied event node
    Fixed! UE-25677 Unable to package code projects for HTML5 emcc link command line is very long
    Fixed! UE-25571 Can’t Launch On or Package code templates on iOS
    Fixed! UE-25593 UnrealHeaderTool does not detect program plugins enabled by default
    Fixed! UE-25332 Can’t paste a hierarchy of UMG widgets into a Panel widget after deleting previous child
    Fixed! UE-26466 PhysX libraries version mismatch
    Fixed! UE-26547 Crash in editor while compiling in Event Graph (One off)
    Fixed! UE-26432 Memory leak in instanced static mesh (e.g. foliage) lightmap building
    Fixed! UE-25948 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!NewObject<UGameInstance>() [uobjectglobals.h:1130]
    Fixed! UE-24553 Auto Convex Collision will cause when using significantly small meshes
    Fixed! UE-25006 Merge bug fix for Vertex Colors in UI Materials into 4.11
    Fixed! UE-24967 Integrate D3D12 update from MS
    Fixed! UE-24038 Setting ComponentTick as a Hide Category in an Actor Component Blueprint corrupts the BP and causes a when opened after an editor restart
    Fixed! UE-26134 Add missing GetNoAffinityMask
    Fixed! UE-26129 OpenRead of a file in OBB but outside of a PAK starts with wrong seek location
    Fixed! UE-26112 Widget Component blurry in when set to masked
    Fixed! UE-26106 AddToPlayerScreen not respecting camera aspect ratio lock
    Fixed! UE-26033 Blueprints: SPaletteItemVisibilityToggle crashing on a bogus weakobject pointer
    Fixed! UE-26021 SOverlay will not call paint for a child slot if that slot’s rectangle does not intersect the overlay’s clipping rectangle
    Fixed! UE-26005 Undoing and redoing the addition of an add component node creates an invisible node in the blueprint graph
    Fixed! UE-25989 PhysX closing QAGame on Mac
    Fixed! UE-25932 Making changes to a character’s variables in the constructor is not updating correctly
    Fixed! UE-25905 CouchKnights fireball fires twice
    Fixed! UE-25850 Launch on Apple TV fails due to version mismatch
    Fixed! UE-25688 Some ContentExamples maps have player start outside level boundary
    Fixed! UE-24584 CRASH: User Defined Structs can have object references in a Map be set on the structure
    Fixed! UE-25599 [CrashReport] Auto-Convex Collision Generation crashing with specific Mesh
    Fixed! UE-25506 Vehicle Template’s dashboard view camera on ground in VR
    Fixed! UE-25550 The diff tool causes crashes
    Fixed! UE-25507 Vehicle Advanced Template’s dashboard view camera on ground in VR
    Fixed! UE-25367 Camera position too low in ShowdownVRDemo Cinematic
    Fixed! UE-25333 Mac project packaged in Shipping does not have a UE4 icon
    Fixed! UE-25235 Collision volumes don’t keep their color in cooked game
    Fixed! UE-21503 Importing multiple SpeedTree assets that use the same texture will not assign correctly
    Fixed! UE-26298 In 4.11.0-preview-3 FBox2D is not backward compatible
    Fixed! UE-25411 does not display a numerical score on iOS
    Fixed! UE-22118 Renaming component causes Engine/Transient save error
    Fixed! UE-25848 Dbuffer Decals only render in one eye in stereoscopic with instanced stereo
    Fixed! UE-26277 Infinite loop in SMultiLineEditableText::MoveCursor when using Ctrl+Up/Down
    Fixed! UE-23921 Crash when setting a structure’s variable to a custom enum named Color
    Fixed! UE-25747 StrategyGame and Sun Temple levels render as black on the several Mobile devices

    REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub

    can we get an example character with skin hair and eyes shading and set up.

    An updated content example project, showcasing all the new character shaders would be awesome!

    can we get an example character with skin hair and eyes shading and set up.

    We intend to provide sample content with the final 4.11 release.


    Will Content Examples be upgraded with new Hair, Eye, Cloth and Skin shaders/materials?


    This, and some tutorials, will have us churning out some fantastic stuff. We just need the right training.

    Great job ! :slight_smile:

    UE-25747 is listed both in Fixed! in Preview 5 and in the Know Issues list