Unreal Challenge: Creep It Real

I used Apple ProRes Media plugin and after restart… In MovieRenderQueue >> Config >> Settings…select Apple ProRes[10-12bit]

Thanks I can’t add voice using this method, can we add music and voices using this method?



Hello, what’s up :blush:
I again need clarification :thinking:

First: when you say audio only is allowed in post, does that mean I can export my sequence without audio from unreal and then import it into third party software, add the audio and export it? Or do you mean I can do the audio externally but in the end I have to export the whole thing (video+audio) from unreal.

Second: Can I use the old Movie Scene Capture to export? Unfortunately, my project crashes every time I try on the movie render queue. I will still try to find the solution but if so is this a problem?

Thank you in advance for your answers

Hello, can i export sequence in exr with OCIO config and render the movie sequence in davinci resolve without any postprocess?

Current progress on the challenge.

check it out and let me know if you have any ideas. planning to add cool fabric curtain simulation and definitely want to have sound FX and music.

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hi, I ran into the same thing.
I used this youtube tutorial, and it worked to get mp4.
ue5 render to mp4 tutorial

No matter what I do, the audio and video just don’t sync. I’ve followed countless tutorials and “fixes”, re-read the documentation over and over, and it still doesn’t work. I don’t have access to fancy video editors so I don’t know what I’m meant to do. I don’t want to be marked down for bad syncing when it isn’t my fault.

Please help, @SkyeEden !

I’ve ended up just moving ALL my audio up by 2 seconds, so it doesn’t make sense in the editor but it matches on the output as close as I can get it. I would still love a fix though as it would be great for future projects, and it looks like I’m not the only person with this problem. For reference, I’m on 5.0.3.

Davinci Resolve is free to use if you can’t find a fix before the deadline.

I wish my computer would have exploded after the challenge so I at least had a chance to get new hardware. :neutral_face:

UE literally fried my computer today.

Good luck to the rest of you!

Maybe I’ll risk exploding my 5 year old laptop and see if I can finish a render. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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cool keep it up

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Hey @DeadWinter22, and thank you for your questions!

For the first question, as per the Challenge FAQ–we would prefer that participants look at the command-line encoder to add audio from within the Engine when it comes to Movie Render Queue, or add audio tracks via Sequencer. However the first option isn’t the most intuitive without supporting documentation, the only documentation that really goes deep into this is third party. With this, we decided to allow the use of post-production software ONLY for adding the audio, and we will reserve the right to ask to see a screen recording of the render within UE.

As for the second, you are welcome to use the older export workflow, Movie Render Queue isn’t necessary.

Thanks, and good luck! :slight_smile:

Hey @WWatson!

You can find the documentation around export here.

I did see that you are having audio problems. You do have the option to add this in post-production if necessary. This is the only permitted use of post-production software. You can find more details about this in the Challenge FAQ.


Hi @Slothstyle4s1! :slight_smile: The only permitted use of post-production software is to add audio, as per our Challenge FAQ. Thanks!

Hi SkyeEden,

Unfortunately that document was no resolve to the issue. I have in and did trial and error to align the audio with the video manually. There seams to be bugs when exporting via Movie Render Queue in 5.0.3.

Thank you for your reply :metal:

195 countries on the planet do you know how many celebrate halloween ?
USA is one country why do you spread american culture and not others ?

hey i have two questions

1 ] viewing conditions for the videos, theater? lights out? mandatory theater + lights out?

2 ] maximum file size for the videos? i can do a lot of renders but AVI eats machines

so i dont want to be accused of bad playback for too big a file
i dont want to be accused of being too dark when im working in lights out conditions
home theater

there was another question too… something like submission directly
or through youtube

cause i nearly couldnt find this thread as it was

its probably not the best idea to comment however!
i usually put halloween stuff out and theres no one that celebrates it really
its illegal for high school aged students to do so

however. its S-C-A-R-Y booooooooooo boo hooo hoooooooo grief moan whine

Hello @SkyeEden. I’ve submitted my project “creepin’ it real” and had a viewer point out that while the content submission is 60s - I also included some credits that take the total time just over 1 minute. I figured I’d double check to make sure the submission wouldn’t be excluded on a technicality. I can go back and remove the credits and resubmit if necessary, I just figured the credit role wasn’t being judged :laughing: