Unreal Challenge: Creep It Real

Hi, I understand the resolution should be 1920 x 1080, but can I use the crop feature in the cine camera to crop it to a letterbox aspect ratio of 2.39? Thanks!

It would be really nice if Unreal Engine could notify contests via email. Iā€™m sorry to learn that there is a competition today.

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@Fractured_Fantasy This will be fine, provided the content is 10-60seconds. :slight_smile:

HI @joshjjohnson1, the resolution of the output must be 1920x1080 as a minimum.

Thank you for that insight, @Yepkoo. It was in the UE Newsletter at the start of the month. However, we are looking into the best way to make this possible for people that might be interested in future challenges. We will keep everyone posted.

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Wonderful. Thanks for the reply - I know youā€™ve been super busy with the Game Jam results, so I really appreciate the response.

@SkyeEden thank you

To give an idea, the Epic Launcher can be used for notification.
I think the Epic launcher is active on most peopleā€™s computers.

At least Iā€™m trying to grow something.
Last posting time is 23.59.
Is this time difference EST?
Can I use any program for characters and animations?
Or is the character not important in the story for evaluation?
Is it just the environment?

I read that adding audio is allowed in video editing program.
If I can finish it on time, I will have to render the 2 scenes separately using the Unreal engine and can I combine them in the video program?

Thank you

The launcher option is something we have been considering going forward.

Here is a countdown timer for the deadline with the timezone.

Yes, you can use any program for characters and animation, but the final product has to be from UE. Submissions will be scored (1-5 points) on each of the following criteria:

  • Level Design
  • Environment Design
  • Composition
  • Conveyance of Mood/Atmosphere
  • Use of Theme

It is advised to keep that in mind when creating your piece.

As per our Challenge FAQ;
ā€œCan I add audio in post-editing software?ā€

We would prefer that participants look at the command-line encoder to add audio from within the Engine when it comes to Movie Render Queue, or add audio tracks via Sequencer. However, the first option isnā€™t the most intuitive without supporting documentation, the only documentation that really goes deep into this is third party. With this, we decided to allow the use of post-production software ONLY for adding the audio, and we will reserve the right to ask to see a screen recording of the render within UE.

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Hey! How did you get audio onto your video file? I added a wav audio output on mine but the outputted .mp4 file doesnā€™t have sound, not even an audio offset problem. It outputs a .wav file, but I want the sound to be in the video file :slight_smile:

i had to switch to ā€œmovie scene capture (legacy)ā€ it does AVI, and seems like the only way to get cloth to simulate during sequence rendering.

Hello, I had a quick question. When will the winners be announce or is there going to be livestream to judge the submission?

Hey :slight_smile:

The winners would be announced as a blog, as well as as a post on the forums. There arenā€™t plans to have results livestream for this challenge. If this is something the community would want in the future, we could certainly look into making that happen!

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Gotcha thanks. It would be cool have a livestream for future competitions to get some feedback about what judges think of the submissions, maybe what to improve on, or maybe things that stood out to them.

That would be nice to have live evaluation.
Which will improve the quality and the understanding of the competition.

when should we expect to see results?

When do the results get released? Iā€™m excited to see who wins.

Also, you mentioned somewhere about feedback, my feedback is that I think the community vote is just a bad idea. It comes down to how many people you can convince to press the vote button, regardless of whether they care about the competition or not, rather than what people like the most. Personally, I think voting should be restricted to only those who entered. There was nothing stopping people asking their friends to make an account to vote for them which just feels like just one step under rigging the vote, making the whole thing pointless.


Whilst I agree that it can easily be manipulated, restricting it to those who entered would also be problematic. People wouldnā€™t want to vote for their competitors, as that would just lower their chance of winning.

I also think that people sharing their videos outside of this forum, to friends / social media / so on, is in the interest of such contests. Essentially free advertising/promotion for the engine and for future contests, meaning theyā€™ll put on more contests like this as well as receive more entries.

I think maybe a more interesting way to do this would be to have a live stream playing each of the entries, and twitch chat votes for a rating and it takes the average. People could make multiple twitch accounts and it would be a similar problem, but it would dilute it more, and the average would mainly be dictated by the 500 people on the stream, rather than the one guy who voted himself 10.0 twice.

It would also be an interesting way to get feedback on your entries, if everyone in there is watching yours and you can gauge from the chat how people react to it. Perhaps if they combined it with some random drops/giveaways to encourage people who arenā€™t part of the contest to watch it and vote too, ie free marketplace assets given to one voter per entry.


The other trouble with voting is that there were just so many entries.

There we some amazing ones - but I didnā€™t have the time or inclination to watch all of them.