Unreal Challenge: Creep It Real

theres a video introduction to the contest that covers it briefly
its in the beginning, the video is about 2 hours from last week

I would also like to know

No answer yet :S

I want to post my entry into Instagram - is it OK to use 1080x1920 (portrait) ratio?

Lumen and Nanite can be used?

@SkyeEden Sorry to tag but I missed the livestream QA and really want to enter the competition.

Iā€™m wanting to maybe recreate a scene from an old video game. Is this discouraged? e.g. Would points be deducted for the level design not being original (or perhaps those points could be attributed to how well it captures the essence or improves upon the original scene?)?

I was wondering the same thing. Hereā€™s a clip from a live stream that discusses this a bit: Unreal Challenge Kickoff: Creep It Real - Worldbuilding | Inside Unreal - YouTube

For those that might have missed the two livestreams, we have done recently that talk about the challenge, as well as environments as a whole. You can find the VODs here:

Unreal Challenge Kickoff: Creep It Real - Worldbuilding | Inside Unreal

The Psychology of Environment Art | Inside Unreal


Hey @burnsaga

The spirit of the event is to create something new. While you technically could recreate a scene from an old video game, this would be discouraged as it is likely that you would attempt to fit the theme around what you want to create rather than creating based on the theme.

I would say using old games, and other mediums as inspiration is a good way forward in the creative process!

I hope this helps!

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Yes, both Lumen and Nanite are allowed, as is Ray-Tracing. However, Path Tracer is not permitted.

As per the submission criteria, videos must be a minimum of 1920x1080. You are welcome to create a portrait version to post on your socials, but the submission video must meet the submission criteria.


Hey @Rami-Alhaj

You could still technically have Path Tracing enabled for the Engine. You mustnā€™t render out your sequence with Path Tracing as Path Tracing is not permitted as this can create an unfair advantage against others participating in the challenge based on hardware.

I hope this helps clear that up!


You can use Marketplace assets, but non-original assets must be noted in the credits section of your submission post.

As per the challenge FAQ:

We would prefer that participants look at the command-line encoder to add audio from within the Engine when it comes to Movie Render Queue, or add audio tracks via Sequencer. However the first option isnā€™t the most intuitive without supporting documentation, the only documentation that really goes deep into this is third party. With this, we decided to allow the use of post-production software ONLY for adding the audio, and we will reserve the right to ask to see a screen recording of the render within UE.

Hey @westnewspring

Providing you are under enrollment, yes. Though if you have deferred studies and are not actively enrolled, you would need to enter as a non-student.


Hey @moulee

Correct, post-production is not permitted. There is a single exception regarding audio and Movie Render Queue; please see the Challenge FAQ for more information on this.

Adding the UE logo at the start is unnecessary, and we do not recommend this, as this could take away valuable content time.

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Thanks for the clarification!!! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi! I just exported my project using the movie renderer queue that was mentioned and the guide I followed said to output in .exr, and now I have 991 .exr files. Did I export under the wrong settings? Everything I can find says that I need to combine them all in a video editor but, according to previous replies, I can only use a video editor for adding audio if necessary.

Iā€™ve looked through the documentation about the command line encoder but I donā€™t understand any of it, and it wants me to give it an executable path for something that I donā€™t even know if I have. Is there a simpler guide I can follow like a video?

Thanks in advance!


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Iā€™m really stuck when it comes to exporting. Iā€™ve followed the documentation the best I can but it just isnā€™t working. Every time I export, the audio and video are out of sync. I saw a ā€œfixā€ about setting the timeline and output to 60fps but that just made the video slow down.

As you can see from these screenshots, I have tried everything I can think of. Iā€™m currently trying 30fps to see if that fixes it. Please help!

Edit: The problem is that itā€™s cutting the first 4 seconds of the audio out. The video is 40 seconds long but the .wav is only coming out with 36 seconds. Hope that information helps?

The more I play around with it, the more problems I discover. I got it to output the media to the correct time, but the video is slower than it shows in the level sequencer, which is why the audio isnā€™t syncing. How do I make it so the audio and video are synced to the same speed?

I do have a problem!!!
I read all the documentation but still I canā€™t export the sequence as mp4 from unreal engine.
it is always photos!
how can I get a video out of unreal engine!!! is there a way to do that?
if yes please provide me with the solution.

Thanks in advance

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