Unreal 5.3 VR template motion controllers not tracking

I have freshly installed Unreal Engine 5.3 and freshly installed SteamVR on my pc. I created a new VR Template from the epic games launcher, but my motion controllers are not tracking, only the headset. I am using a Valve Index and Index controllers.

I have run into this problem before in older unreal engine versions but was always able to fix it by reinstalling SteamVR or other suggestions like in this post.

But with 5.3 I just cant get the controllers to track in my vr preview any more, is this happening to other people as well or does someone know how to fix this for good?

Thanks in advance,

If anyone is struggling with this issue as well, i found out that the valve index headset has a small sensor between the eyes that detects if the headset is being worn on the head or not. As long as this sensor detects that the headset is not yet being put on your head, the controllers wont track.

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