Unreal 5.1 - Strange surface cache


In Unreal 5.1, using raytracing for lighting and shadows, I get these strange surface caches on my voxel blocks stored as Instanced static meshes.

Has anyone faced the same issue ?




This is due to your Lumen Cards not being high enough so the cache is not successful, Seeing your texture I assume that those are not UV unwrapped yet, maybe you could try to do so and we’ll see what it does ? :slight_smile:

Also, I think playing with Lumen Scene detail might help

Hi and thanks for your reply :slight_smile:

I tried raising the max lumen cards from 12 to 24 but nothing changed. As for texture mapping, the bad blocks share the same mesh as those on the right which as you can see are correct. These blocks are all managed as instanced static meshes in a BP actor.

Cheers !


Pink means the geometry could not be included in the cache for some reason. Yellow means it could be but isn’t, usually due to scale in my experience.
It’s rare to see pink on simple geometry but it can be a sign there’s something off about your mesh.

Yeah but I just can’t find what is wrong …

Lumen scene is correct without any black spots so could be a bug ?

