Unnecessary Relocating... black screen

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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Published version of our map displays Relocating… black screen briefly during the cinematic sequence. It causes the player to miss important bits. This never happened in Game mode in the uefn session. We do teleport the player to face them in the right direction.

Steps to Reproduce

Use TeleportTo on fort character
Publish map

Expected Result

No relocating screen for TeleportTo in the published maps, or at least no relocating screen if we only need to rotate player

Observed Result

Black screen displays after the character is teleported



Island Code


Additional Notes

This is a big issue for us as well.

If we teleport the player during a sequence the world will NEVER load.

@TheDogtoy Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!

For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here: Using the Creative and UEFN Bug Reporting Form

The status of UCB-1004 incident has been moved from ‘Awaiting Validation’ to ‘Needs Triage’.

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@latunda Did you ever find a good work around?

Dealing with this same thing.

You can add and use the teleporter device:

@editable Teleporter: teleporter_device = teleporter_device{}

And then:


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Getting the same issue over here. Would be so awesome to be able to teleport players just through Verse.

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Yeah, this is really frustrating…

Hy found a way to do it without Black Screen
ad per each player a teleporter and then insted of Fortcharacter teleport to the Teleporter teleport to the wished position
all effects off from the teleporter and Momentum on

And put a break befor as well.

And no black screen and works exactly the same

Oh just saw that vom latunda after posting

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Although this is marked as fix in the latest patch notes if the distance is more than around 7 tiles you still get the black screen ‘relocating player’

Relocate a teleporter instead of the player and teleport the player at relocating the player with all VFX SFX off its quite the same and you can move the teleporter where ever you want in the game. and no Black Screen

We know about the teleporter solution (see old comments) but it is better to avoid adding extra devices. All was working perfectly in the game session, so it would be better to fix it in private/public game.

It is time we started getting solid and polished methods and devices and clean fixes. Not “fixes” when the issues is marked as fixed, but truly fixed and tested.

We deserve quality.

I know historically creators always used weird workarounds and hacks. I too have to reinvent the wheel sometimes and try to share workarounds I can find. But I want to have solid base so I can progress quickly with development and work on new exciting things.

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