Unlink Niagara Particles from emitter local space

HI. Rookie here, with my very first “serious” project.

I have a Niagara system component as part of a BP Actor. It’s the smoke of a boat, to be precise.

If my emmiter is in local space, particles spawn at the right place, in the exhaust of the boat, but then they keep linked to it. When the boat moves, the whole smoke column in the air is following the boar. Weird… LOL

If not in local space, I get smoke at the center of the world coordinates.

I’d need my emitter to be in local space, attached to the boat mesh, but particles unlinked to the boat transformations once emitted. Is this possible?

(Not a big issue. I have only four instances of the BP_Boat in my level. I can always make the Niagara Systems independent actors and animate them separately to follow the boat exhaust, but… I guess I’m missing something.

Anyone to give me a cue?

A month later I can finally resume this project, and I’ve found a solution. Not sure if ths is the best way to do it but it’s working.

  • Uncheck Local Space in the Emitter properties
  • When you do that, they’ll move to the world 0,0,0 coord.
  • Then, in the Initialize particle node, under Point Attributes, set the Position Mode to Direct and link it to a user variable.
  • Feed that variable with the desired position from you blueprint, with a Get Actor Location node or whatever you need.
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Hi, do you update the variable each tick ?

Disable Local Space and attach niagara to correct place :wink: