"Unknown Error" During Alignment of PPI Project Stored in OneDrive Folder and Opened on Another PC


I am working on a large project (17,000+ images) and in order to save myself some time I began processing some data on another PC, using a OneDrive folder to sync the data across both machines. My master component containing (12,000 cams) was made on one PC, while the rest of the data (~5000 cams) which I am now trying to link was made on another. I followed the guide here as well as some info from a support thread here and another here

By my understanding, the way I am supposed to do this is by saving my components from computer A in a single RCPROJ, which I then open on computer B. However, when I do this I am met with the above “unknown error” upon attempting to do anything with the data (align images, merge and export components.) I have tried “make it like a clean install” and have had no luck. Is there something I am missing? Please help! I’m soooo close to the end and don’t want to have to redo all the work I did to get to this point haha.

Hi, please make sure that when you copy the files to the new PC they are no longer synced to any cloud service.

The files are locally stored on the same pc the project was created on, and the problem occurs even when the computer is offline. I will try transferring the files via SSD and see if that changes anything.