I am working on a large project (17,000+ images) and in order to save myself some time I began processing some data on another PC, using a OneDrive folder to sync the data across both machines. My master component containing (12,000 cams) was made on one PC, while the rest of the data (~5000 cams) which I am now trying to link was made on another. I followed the guide here as well as some info from a support thread here and another here
By my understanding, the way I am supposed to do this is by saving my components from computer A in a single RCPROJ, which I then open on computer B. However, when I do this I am met with the above “unknown error” upon attempting to do anything with the data (align images, merge and export components.) I have tried “make it like a clean install” and have had no luck. Is there something I am missing? Please help! I’m soooo close to the end and don’t want to have to redo all the work I did to get to this point haha.