I don’t get the point of this thread. Shall we start comparing every plugin that exist in both sides?
the first game engine i’ve ever used is UDK. and i’m so glad it becomes better and better.
unity is not bad,too. but I have this first sight thing going on towards UDK ( UE4 ).
Not many can afford that no matter how nice it is, his best hope is unity like it and want to add it.
So are you saying you were compelled to write the most useless post in a useless thread?
No need to take it so seriously, I just felt it was a unique plugin that would be interesting to talk about.
It’s like an Apple vs Android flame war. Fanboys rejoice
Doing a comparison with an unimportant and random Unity plugin is not only silly but makes you look either affiliated with the plugin owner or just a fanboy.
We compare two plugins for how we can make unreal better We should hear the world around us. Can you say that the blueprints are the ideal?
BP is already better, although personally I don’t like programming with nodes, to me it’s clutter and confusing.
As someone who currently still prefers Unity because of its c# component framework, its funny seeing a project like that come out, I have no interest in it personally but once again like just about everything not provided by unity (which is a lot because they’ve become so lazy and reliant on asset store doing everything it seems, and so its why I still keep up with the development of unreal/cryengine) the general asset store prices for assets that rise to the top of what is lacking as a built in engine feature is just silly and off putting for any indie or hobbyist developer, but otherwise developing with unity is still so much easier because of the way they built the engine. To the extent where even an asset like this blueprint knockoff is more appealing on unity than unreal’s one because of the way c# connection can go from node to code and back easily its a learning advantage.
Unreal advantage is you don’t need to spend a ton at the asset store to get core features like material shader editor, large world support, adequate level editing tools etc
If only Unreal had someone to make a c# component framework for Unreal that was equal or better than unity to be able use and powerful enough to also be able to make in editor tools that way aswel like you can do on Unity. Node editors for doing code/logic never appealed to me ever!, but then neither did c++ its like both extremes where I prefer the middle ground development sanity of using C#/Java languages, with node editors for just visually designing stuff like building shader networks etc because its visually easier in those areas where as it just becomes a complete mess for doing game logic that way…and blueprints have no nice way of taking the nodes back to c++ and it auto generating its unsightly c++ language with all its header **** etc… it might have been better way to ease people into using its c++ framework but alas it didn’t bother.
Thing is you most likely want to use that plugin because you don’t want to use C#. Which you’re better off with UE4 which has visual scripting for free and is guaranteed to be supported for as long as UE4 lives.
How is this a gift? Gifts are not meant to purchasable, huh.
I’m not sure if you understand what blueprints are and what it means to use them for coding. Connecting execution flows and placing some nodes here and there does nothing by itself. What you are asking is to compare syntax of writing “for loop” in one language and doing the same in another language - this is rather pointless and doesn’t take an effort to learn. Learning BPs means first of all learning UE4 API. From this perspective, even if two tools look exactly the same but APIs are completely different then there is not much to compare.
Why is it silly to compare 2 visual scripting tools? And why unimportant? If you critique, at least offer justification. Otherwise you are the exact epitome of a fanboy.
Again, a couple of posts later… “BP is already better”. Well summarised.
Some comments have helped, thanks to all who offered perspective.
OK I see what you mean, thanks. I’ll make time to do some tutorials & get a handle on the API.
Edit: Not submitting a new post to make it relevant again, but mods can you please close this? I see another thread spawned on the back of it, so probably for the best…
Lurking in forums, I’ve seen this comparison popping out quite frequently.
Thing is, I’m pretty sure Blueprints are copyrighted; this guy have read through UE4’s source code, learned from it then replicated the system to sell it to Unity users.
This could be classified as derivative work and potentially copyright infringement…
I am surprised Epic Games did nothing about this specially because Blueprints are the singularity in the UE4 echosystem and somebody out there is blatantly cloning system design, making bank out of it.
most plugins that I spent more than £100 in unity are discontinued.
What I’ve learnt from my years using unity is to avoid using plugins as much as possible. either make the plugin yourself or don’t use it at all.
There’s nothing in unity’s terms mentioning refunds if that developer decides to discontinue his/her product.
I still remember a case where a developer created GI solution and sold it on the unity asset store for £100 +. it was in beta and eventually he just gave up on it. saying he was stressed out ect. But when customers said this wasn’t fair, because the beta was so bad that you couldn’t use it for a commercial project. that developer then said well you paid for a beta and that’s what you get. No refunds…
Now did unity moderators, admins or any staff pop in to help this come to a fair compromise? Not at all. Unity didnt give anyone refunds even though it is clear they should have.
I trust epic far more than unity or any other plugin developer. no offence to plugin developers but I have been burnt and learnt from past experiences. I’m here to make games and NOT sit in a forum asking why is plugin not working ect… time is money and a “broken plugin” will cost you a lot more than the “broken plugin”.
looking at what this guys done, who cares?
Guys made a visual setup (yes, looks exactly like UE4 BP system) for code snipps. Who cares really?
It would take him YEARS to get anywhere close to UE4 BP system. Imagine writing the BP system from “ground 0” and being, lets say, a 3, no, a 4 man team. haha. Wont happen.
This will merely die off in the long run simply based on the size of the task at hand. i am glad its working for Unity as is, and, they get a little taste for it, as they have before. People will use it as a base, and, then the plugin will break (they always do) and everyone’s projects will go in the trash. Never use a plugin thinking it will be the staple of your project (Right TrueSky and Ocean Project users?)
The “we get it for free” is kind of misleading, it costs us, in a commercial way.
Let them do what they want lol. We use it as a core, they use it as a small plugin. I dont know why feathers have to ruffle. Mimicking is flattery.
Ocean Project gives you the source code though, and it’s free, so it’s kind of an unfair comparison.
Not sure if you lack comprehension or ability.
It wasn’t a comparison, it was a “don’t use a plugin as the core of your project” statement. Clearly, they are not the same at all, not even close.
I agree; this is why I do not publish plugins that must be insert into the base of the whole game echosystem btw.
If it’s an “additional” or parallel system I use plugins IF there’s the source code included.
boom, exactly!