Unity Dev just gifted them their own Blueprints

Not really. Or at least I don’t think so. BPs are far more complex, because it is >programming languague< in it self, compiled to bytecode and running inside Virtual Machine. This is what makes creating and maintaing blueprints so complex (talking mainly about adding custom K2Nodes, custom graphs, updating objects from graph… been doing it recently, it’s nowhere easy and there loads of boiler plate code you have to write, to even get started).

From what I see this Unity plugin, doesn’t bother with all of it. It just straight up generate C# code (which for all that matter is easier to generate than C++), so it should be easier to maintain (you don’t have for example to maintain custom VM).

Sure its early on, but, from what i am seeing is its “just the basics”. I am kinda wondering how far he would need to go to be able to straight BP an entire project in C#. I would assume its not there yet, but, what kind of push would need to be done to get it there(?). I wouldn’t know as i did not work on the BP system for unreal, but, i can imagine its not really a task that would fall under “eh, easy, just takes some time to knock out all the nodes”.

I just feel the need to point out that blueprints in unreal are hardly a new thing. You can find microsoft applications for visual programming that look just like blueprints in unreal and there are plenty of other examples of visual node based programming applications out there. Why do you think there are so many garbage apps on every mobile app store? Mobile apps are almost always designed with visual programming it is highly available for mobile specifically.

Charging anything for this is let alone the price asked is a joke though.