I have not applied Pink color to any Brush but still I can see lots of pink color after light Build. Plz help me. Plz refer the pics Attatched.
Hi archgaur -
The pink color you are seeing is most likely from the indirect lighting (bounce light) cast by your wooden floor which is highly reflective and very much a cherry wood looking material. Compounded is that your walls are near white in color which means that the red (pink) cast from your floor will have nothing to counteract the color.
You could adjust the saturation of your floor to eliminate some of the floors cast I would also try to add a skylight with a light blue tint (exact color may take some work to achieve) and Lower Hemisphere set to Black turned off, which can help smooth out the red to a more neutral warm color (too much blue will give you a cool effect).
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
Thannhs Eric, I changed the floor texture to a very light colored wood, and recomputed the light mass build. the result is same. no change. I would try shylight with blue tint. presently I am using skylight with RGB=1 each. I even deleted the skylight from the map and recomputed the Lightmass build. but result remains the same. in realistic rendering sample I saw no atmospheric sphere. How could I achive that. maybe that helps.
Waiting for ur Reply.
Hi archgaur -
Look at your world settings and check your environment color and make sure that it is set to pure white or pure black, so (1,1,1) or (0,0,0). Also are your walls a single mesh with a single lightmap unwrap, if so try increasing the lightmap resolution in the build settings and let the engine regenerate the lightmaps.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
Hi Eric,
Environment color is set to (1,1,1). All geometry is BSP’s with Light map resolution of 8 for getting correct shadows.
“if so try increasing the lightmap resolution in the build settings and let the engine regenerate the lightmaps.”
I didnt get this could you explain mre in detail.
Thanks and Regards
Hi archgaur -
Looking at your latest picture I am fairly confident saying that your level’s skysphere is feeding the pink color into your level. To test select the BP_Skysphere in your Outliner and dis-associate the directional light from the sphere and click the refresh material checkbox. Your skysphere should now return to the default blue, build your lighting again and see if you still get the pink color.
My statement about lightmap resolution was only for static meshes not BSPs and only if you did not do a lightmap unwrap for the meshes.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
Hello archgaur,
I recently had the same issues with a scene I had built. I had white walls and the lights baked in pink. You probably fixed it by now, but just for information purposes this is how i fixed the light issue…
Select all lights in the scene. In the “details” panel scroll down to the "Lightmass settings. From there, you change the "Indirect Lighting Saturation’ value to equal 0.
When you bake the lights, there should no longer be any pink colors.
thanks and I hope this helps anyone with the same problem.
I have the same issue with my grass where the green is overpowering and the poorly lit areas turn green. Super bad when I will be doing exteriors and not all walls will be directly hit by the light.
I want it to look more like this (yes the brightness is a bit off but I will adjust that after I resolve the green issue. The previous material used is a Quixel Grass texture, this material is the unreal material that is pre-applied to the “Plane” mesh in the Actors menu.
Many thanks!
That didn’t work for me