Same problem, stuck at 39%. I dont have raytracing enabled and I tried many fixes here. It was fixed instantly by one of these methods (not sure which):
“solution: grab every project that is stuck and remove its DerivedDataCache - Saved - config folder”
“You should try to rename the Config folder in the project to Config_old, it works for mine.”
It’s only “Fixed” by deleting the config folder because you reverted back to default engine settings by doing that.
If you enable raytracing, ALL shaders have to be recompiled including engine shaders. Your project isn’t stuck, it’s compiling shaders. If you delete the config folder, then raytracing isn’t enabled, and you revert to the default shaders that have likely already been compiled and/or compile faster.
If you really want to see what’s happening, launch the engine with Visual Studio attached and it will dump shader compile messages to the output log.
I had this same issue. Stuck at 39% and wouldn’t load up the project. Stupid me turned on Ray tracing for the project. So, I deleted the files for the Project and created a new Project without Ray Tracing on and the issues went away. Check if Ray Tracing is on and if so, turn it off cause it kills your CPU!
The problem may have been fixed at version 4.25.4. I have a weaker hardware than others have [core i5-8265U,8 GB RAM, MX150 2GB VRAM]. I may get stuck for 30 minutes to 1 hour at 39 % (with starter contents) or 45% (without starter contents) but it would load later.
For me it’s when loading the ArchViz template with starter content and ray-tracing enabled, I get stuck at 39%. I was finally able to get it open by disabling ray-tracing, and letting the program sit. It appeared to get stuck at 39% again, and then jumped to 45% and got stuck. It finally moved it’s way to 100% and opened.
It’s cause the VR project uses the forward renderer. I can replicate this getting stuck at 39% behaviour simply by making a new empty project. switching it to forward render, and restarting the editor as prompted. For me it “only” gets stuck for around 20 minutes and it’s only the first time launching as it needs to recompute a massive pile of shaders. Then after it launches, it hilariously needs to recompile more shaders for another 20 minutes.
Version 4.26.1: Stuck very long at 39%. After reading a few posts here I had a look at the logs: You will find it under: ProjectFolder/Saved/Logs/
You should be able to open this file while unity is already loading. In my case I noticed: shader compilation messages. Since I enabled Raytracing just for fun it tried to compile > 1700 shader. Just disabled Raytracing and the editor opened quick and easy.
gave the engine a try, installed, created an empty project with ray tracing, and opening it is stuck at 39% for I don’t know how long… discussions say because of some shaders(?) compilation I even don’t know about??? da heck? For gods sake give at leas out some info what is going on and progress!!
the design of the UI is really amateur, and stuck at least 10 years ago, and makes whole experience pain in the ■■■… same like blender - so much potential burried under tons of wrong decisions for UIX, one has to puke at the incredible-ridiculousness… The whole accumulated mess needs to be reorganized and UI redesigned so it can be really a tool what God intended for Universum 2.0
PLEASE include inline editor for meshes, in TOTALl sketchup style of work and render for quick dev - please don’t reinvent the wheel here!
Make the whole work mess much more optimized and less memory/processor hungry
It just takes a long while to get past 39% sometimes, as others have said, be patient that’s all. I’ve waited over half an hour before and I’m sure others have waited longer. This usually happens on engine restart after enabling/disabling particular plugins or project settings, eg ray-tracing, clip planes etc. Saying that if it can be made quicker using some of the suggestions then even better.
me to keep getting stuck on 39%. I have 20gb ram running at 1800mhz and my cpu amd fx 8350 8 core. graphics card titan x 12gb. I cant do anything can someone help I am supposed to be going to uni in September