Unable to start UE5.3 package on Quest3


I was able to build the MR project created with UE5.3 and install the package to Quest3 through MQDH, but the package crashes immediately after starting.

Even quick launch crashes.

The following articles were referenced for environment construction.

I don’t know what is causing the package to not start, could you please give me some advice?

The MQDH warning log is as follows.

Input channel object ‘3f03e82 com.epicgames.VR_Quest3/com.epicgames.unreal.GameActivity (client)’ was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
3f03e82 com.epicgames.VR_Quest3/com.epicgames.unreal.GameActivity will not receive the new gesture at 14862375000000
Force removing ActivityRecord{20464f u0 com.epicgames.VR_Quest3/com.epicgames.unreal.GameActivity t89}: app died, no saved state
ad4e8ae ActivityRecordInputSink com.epicgames.VR_Quest3/com.epicgames.unreal.GameActivity will not receive the new gesture at 14862684000000

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I also referred to this article and made some changes, but the same error occurred and I was unable to start the package…

Not much much information in them logs, maybe check your NDK and SDK versions are looking good. Also if you’ve been using VRPreview some setting need to be adjusted when building an APK in regards to plugins and the MetaXR settings.

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Would love to know if anybody has a solution to this.

Most common cause for app not starting …


Hey! I am having a very similar problem to this as-well!

Ue5.3.2 and MetaXR 62.

I can happily view my MR experience in vr preview with hand tracking and passthrough working fine.

But when I try to build to headset, it creates the APK fine but I cannot get passthrough working.

If I build APK with the settings shown by TrueFranco it succeeds but MR does not work it will be black and my hands disappear as-well.

Also would note I have to set the XR API to Epic Native Open XR else it will make the apk not open aswell!

If I build without OpenXR then the build succeeds but will just crash on launch :frowning:

Any ideas!

XR API has to be Oculus OVRPlugin (recommended) or nothing like hands tracking, Anchors, Scene capture won`t work.

Okay good to know!

So with the same settings as you show above, it succeeds in making the apk but the apk just crashes on launch.

Could this be related to my skd/ndk stuff? Even though I can make a build work just not with hand tracking and passthrough?

Using Oculus Hub you can check the logs when you run the app in the headset.
Just activate wireless adb and filter the logs with UE5.

Hey! Thanks for the info on activating wireless adb.

Unsure what you mean by filter the logs with UE5? (Sorry pretty new to this)

Ah found the logs in Dev Hub!

From my limited understanding it looks like OVRPlugin is failing?

16:02:42.383UE[2024.02.21-21.02.42:383][ 0]LogHMD: Initializing OVRPlugin session

16:02:42.383OVRPluginOpenXR SDK version 1.0.32

16:02:42.383OVRPluginAppNativeLibraryDir: /data/app/~~IzJa-_M6ZemthIyXH5g7Sw==/com.epicgames.Quest3_PassthroughV3-S7t4fHiO4hiR1i0qgkhu6Q==/lib/arm64

16:02:42.385OVRPluginUnable to load OVRMrcLib

16:02:42.386OVRPluginCompositorOpenXR_Vulkan(): vkInstance 0x79205f6ab0 vkPhysicalDevice 0x79205f6aa0 vkDevice 0x79205f6ae0 vkQueue 0x79205f6b30 vkGetInstanceProcAddr 0x0 vkQueueFamilyIndex 0


16:02:42.386OVRPlugin[XRCMD][failure] [XR_ERROR_LIMIT_REACHED]: xrCreateInstance(&createInfo, &instance), arvr/projects/integrations/OVRPlugin/Src/Util/CompositorOpenXR.cpp:3396 (arvr/projects/integrations/OVRPlugin/Src\Util/CompositorOpenXR.h:299)

16:02:42.386OVRPluginInitialize: xrCreateInstance() failed

16:02:42.386OVRPluginPlugin failed to initialize. (arvr/projects/integrations/OVRPlugin/Src/Util/CompositorOpenXR.cpp:1922)


16:02:42.386UE[2024.02.21-21.02.42:386][ 0]LogHMD: Oculus plugin initialized. Version: OVRPlugin: 1.94.0

16:02:42.505UE[2024.02.21-21.02.42:505][ 0]LogMR: Error: OVRPlugin has not been initialized

When you press Device Log button, in the new windows that open you will see hundred of logs passing by, where is say Filter write UE5 and only logs relate to your UE5 app will scroll down. it is more easy to debug your issue that way. :wink:

OVRPlugin failed to initialize mean you probably miss something when installing the plugin or you put the plugin in the wrong place. Check again your plugin installation.

You hero!

That made debugging it so much easier ha!

Will check plugin installation again thank you!

Okay! It was indeed in the wrong place. The App now loads in headset with “Oculus OVRPlugin (recommended)”

It is still not loading with passthrough on, but at least it is loading the apk which is new!

Hi ! Sorry to step in, I am currently having a related issue with launching a UE5.3 app on Quest 2. What’s your new place for the OVRPlugin ? I already tried installing it within the project, and also in the Unreal Engine 5.3 installation folder.

Seconded this question, having the same issue

I had it in the unreal project compared to the engine plugin/marketplace location

Following on, the way I managed to get my project to build was to install the utility kit!

it had a sample project that worked for me


Ended up leaving it in the Unreal Engine installation folder, under Engine/Plugins/Marketplace. I also put the MetaXRPlatform (Oculus Developer Center | Downloads) plugin under that folder.

Then, made sure to start a whole new VR Template, in which I did, respecting the exact order :

  • deactivated OpenXR plugins
  • reloaded the editor
  • activated the MetaXR plugin
  • reloaded the editor
  • setup the project settings for my platform (Minimum SDK Version : 32, Target SDK Version : 32, NDK version : 25.1.8937393, Java JDK : 17.0.9, SDK API Level : latest, NDK API Level : android-32)

I’m still having other issues (Oculus touch buttons working on first launch of the template but not on the second), but I managed at least to obtain an apk that launches on the Quest.

If I understood you, you package and play without any of the OpenXR plugins?
It was my understanding that that was currently not possible.

Also, did you enable the Meta XR Platform plugin?
If it is not enabled, what is the point of installing it?

For publishing, verifying entitlement is a requirement and that node is currently connected to the Meta XR Platform plugin.

Could you try using a get user or get display frequency from said plugin to see if they trigger?