For about a week I’m trying to buy assets on fab, ever ytime I get to checkout I constantly get the error message:
Looks like something went wrong. For your protection, this transaction has been declined. Please try another card or other payment methods
I’ve tried other payment methods and results the same transaction declined. I’ve called my banks and they aren’t even receiving payment authorizations so there’s nothing I can do on my end. Fab payment processor is flagging me and declining all transactions. That’s pretty frustrating as I can’t continue forward with development. I’ve never had a situation where I can’t purchase from a vendor.
I’ve tried to create a ticket and go through support and was basically told nobody has control over the payment processors so I’ll just have to try in a few days again. So trying after a few days results in the same loop for me.
I’ve also tried to clear cookies, I’ve emptied cart multiple times, used firefox, google chrome as browsers next step for me is just to create a new account. Has anyone else experienced this situation, any other work arounds?
Going on week number 2 still unable to make a purchase, still flagged by processors on fab’s end. Paypal doesn’t work, unable to add funds to epic account it puts me in the same loop. Any support Fab? You have a customer who can’t purchase anything… it seems to me like someone would want to fix that as you derive money from sales. I’ve seen several other posts of this same situation happening to others so it’s obviously a problem, does Fab just want to ignore it and see if it goes away?
I’d love to see the customer support training on this one. “Guys just keep telling the customer to try again and again hopefully one day it works. While you’re at it…also tell the customer to buy a lottery ticket because one day that may work as well.”
We have the same issue, did you ever get a response from Fab? Their customer support has been terrible regarding this issue, it’s pretty obvious there’s no solution for it.
Not solved, but I arbitrarily removed some items from my cart and was able to check out. I think it would be great if there were visible flags displayed for problematic assets, if this is how it’s meant to work. Having to delete those items is costing sales for the vendors!
That could explain why so many sellers have low sales
If possible post the one which was removed, this will add to their investigation.
They should usually reply tomorrow, because they are not present on weekend.
Same here. It seems this issue is happening with the Limited-Time Free assets only, to me. it’s happening from both browser and in-editor.
Just cannot figure out how to solve this and the current selection of assets will be gone in a few hours. So annoying…
Has this been resolved? I am facing the same exact issue this week.
“Looks like something went wrong. For your protection, this transaction has been declined. Please try another card or other payment methods”
Multiple cards from different banks are declined, I contact support and told to wait for 24 hours, that doesn’t fix the problem. The banks are saying there are no issues with my card.