Unable to launch session from UEFN editor

See below for output log error:

We encountered an error preparing your project. Error: errors.com.epicgames.content-service.cook_failure, An error occurred while communicating with the game servers (failed to cook module b9752a5c-41ce-a841-7138-74a6f9b05eb5 (artifact 5a1fc294-3dfd-43fb-97d3-c4eca0f715b3:linux-server) with error code errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.cookfailure).


I have the same issue…

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Same here. It’s definitely a server issue.


Same error, since 8/03/24.
We encountered an error preparing your project. Error: errors.com.epicgames.content-service.cook_failure, An error occurred while communicating with the game servers (failed to cook module 5174bafc-426b-0621-243f-f2a25b437f3b (artifact 0e581b26-9854-44a7-be2c-7f8146bd2111:linux-server) with error code errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.cookfailure).


Same error here!

Potential solution that just allowed me to launch a session:

  1. Remove all Fab content from project files and outliner.
  2. Disable Unreal Revision Control.
  3. Launch session.

Or maybe Epic just fixed the server issue that was causing this issue

in fortnite status supposedly they fixed it but it is still giving me problems.

Same, Been fighting this for an hour thinking I had a corrupted asset or something =/.

Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!
For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here: Using the Creative and UEFN Bug Reporting Form

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