Unable to edit the build settings on a static mesh from C++

I’m trying to access the “Use High Precision Tangent Basis” variable (as shown below in the Editor) but from C++, when I spawn an Actor tagged with “highPrecision” into the level.

I’ve found a way to access the static mesh build settings through [FStaticMeshSourceModel:][2]

bool result = newMeshComponent->SetStaticMesh(LoadMeshFromPath(FName(*meshPath)));

if (result)
   if (setHighPrecision)
      UStaticMesh* precisionMesh = newMeshComponent->GetStaticMesh();
      FStaticMeshSourceModel& srcModel = precisionMesh->SourceModels[0];
      srcModel.BuildSettings.bUseHighPrecisionTangentBasis = true;

I’ve tried to find a way to “save” this setting as you would in the Editor, and scoured the docs, but no matter what I try, the static mesh never has high precision tangents applied.

Am I on the right track here? Would appreciate any suggestions! Thanks,

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Did you ever find a solution to this?

Hi , yes I did actually. As the code above is being run through a commandlet inside a plugin I can just put the block between #if WITH_EDITOR and #endif and then save the mesh using:

UPackage* meshPackage = mesh->GetOutermost();

FString meshPackageFileName = FPackageName::LongPackageNameToFilename(meshPackage->GetPathName(),

UPackage::SavePackage(meshPackage, nullptr, RF_Standalone, *meshPackageFileName);

Memory is slightly hazy, but I may also have had to include something like


in the dependencies inside my plugin’s Build.cs file.

Hope that helps!

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Nice! Thank you !