Umlauts with UTextRenderComponent


I am trying to display german letters with UTextRenderComponents. I am storing the text i want to display as a FString.

For example:

//in the header
UPROPERTY(Category = Block, VisibleDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly))
        FString Name;
UPROPERTY(Category = Block, VisibleDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly))
	class UTextRenderComponent* ThisCardText;
//in a cpp file
Name = FString("Königswache");

I also tried to use the SetText() without converting to FText without any difference.

I am using the basic Unreal Font.

After some research i discovered that there might be a problem with not declaring to use those letters in the font.


But without any difference. Still if I use FText the letters simply aren’t shown, if i don’t use FText every special letter is replaced by ?.
I didn’t run into problems with umlauts in the menu, which is Blueprint based.

I hope you guys can help me
