Ultimate Mobile Kit Plugin 1.5.0 for UE 4.18 final release!
We’ve just released plugin binaries for Unreal Engine 4.18
You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab or your Sellfy dashboard (for Sellfy customers). Update also was submitted for UE4 Marketplace but it needs to wait for approval.
I Using UMK with UMA and multidex here is my setup :
1: For Android minsdk17 and max SDK 25 targeted SDK to latest in Distributed Build.
2: UE4.16.2 and Download UMK from Github and copy to plugin folder in the project like the other plugins.
I get the build failed and attached the verbose log.
Have you placed Firebase config file in proper folder?
Have you installed SDKs using installer?
Test if it works in Example Project.
If it still doesn’t work, please change Ant Verbosity to Verbose (Project Settings -> Android -> Ant Verbosity -> Verbose), build again, and upload logs again, error should be more clear.
I am attempting to run your example UMK project on UE 4.18 using “Play this level in a new window”.
I have run the installer with no error and am utilizing the default Firebase config file that comes with the example project.
However, upon running it, I get the following log when I attempt to run Check Initialization for App:
LogNet: Browse: /Game/AppLevel
LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/AppLevel
LogPlayLevel: Creating play world package: /Game/UEDPIE_0_AppLevel
LogPlayLevel: PIE: StaticDuplicateObject took: (0.002491s)
LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world AppLevel
LogPlayLevel: PIE: World Init took: (0.001154s)
LogPlayLevel: PIE: Created PIE world by copying editor world from /Game/AppLevel.AppLevel to /Game/UEDPIE_0_AppLevel.AppLevel (0.004526s)
LogLoad: Game class is ‘TestGameMode_C’
LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/UEDPIE_0_AppLevel.AppLevel up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2017.10.30-12.48.41
LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.001471
LogLoad: Took 0.053871 seconds to LoadMap(/Game/UEDPIE_0_AppLevel)
LogUltimateMobileKit: Ultimate Mobile Kit CreateSubsystem!
LogUltimateMobileKit: Warning: Ultimate Mobile Kit API failed to initialize!
LogUltimateMobileKit: Display: Firebase App Shutdown
LogUltimateMobileKit: Display: Firebase Analytics Shutdown
LogUltimateMobileKit: Display: Firebase Authentication Shutdown
LogUltimateMobileKit: Display: Firebase Config Shutdown
LogUltimateMobileKit: Display: Firebase Invites Shutdown
LogUltimateMobileKit: Display: Firebase Links Shutdown
LogUltimateMobileKit: Display: Firebase Messaging Shutdown
LogUltimateMobileKit: Display: Firebase Performance Shutdown
LogUltimateMobileKit: Display: Firebase Storage Shutdown
LogOnline: Display: OSS: FOnlineAsyncTaskManager::Stop() ActiveTask:0000000000000000 Tasks[0/0]
LogOnline: Display: OSS: FOnlineAsyncTaskManager::Exit() started
LogOnline: Display: OSS: FOnlineAsyncTaskManager::Exit() finished
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AppWidget_C_4] Firebase is not initialized
No matter what I press, I then get the recurring message that ‘Firebase is not initialized’.
What other setup is required to get the example project to run?
Edit: Disregard, just missed that the Firebase stuff doesn’t run on PC, just on mobile.
1: Yes I’m follow the instruction completely done.
2: yes… much much much…more time delete the all sdk an reinstall again.
3: not eve in example project.
4: all log I’m attached i in verbose mode.
5: i switch to 4.17 but still same error. i think it’s conflict with standard google play service… maybe…
Finally … I get to work cloud messaging service and authentication service.but I’m getting failed on other services.
by the way, I have a question about notification service. I want to send a message to all player after game closed or any in an event… Is that possible with firebase services or if you have any advise about in this case?
What do you mean saying “failed on other services”? Any error occurred?
Answering to your question about notification services: you need to simply register Firebase Notification Service to specific topic and it should work also after closing your game.
In the project setting —> Ultimate mobile Kit ------> module configuration:.
Enable Cloud Messaging and Enable Authentication Work fine but when i check the other service getting failed to build
OK… Finally getting worked in UE4.17 with Cradle.Thanks for your Help.
Now I’m working on push notification. I setup my notification with following your instruction; setup the UMK component in my game-mode and and send message by exit game.but it’ not working. can you guide me how to make this happen.
Implementation which you showed on a screenshot looks like Cloud Messaging. What exactly do you want to achieve? If you want to send Push Notification to the user from the server please look at the User Guide in “Push Notifications” section: https://github.com/gameDNAstudio/UltimateMobileKit/wiki/Push-Notifications There you can find how to subscribe to topic and send Push Notifications to device.
We’ve just released update for Ultimate Mobile Kit plugin.
You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab or your Sellfy dashboard (for Sellfy customers). Update also was submitted for UE4 Marketplace but it needs to wait for approval.
Please note that ANT is now deprecated and will be removed completely in the next plugins release. You should switch to Gradle.
Google Play Services updated to 11.6.2 (Gradle only)
Added Android Oreo compatibility
Added iPhone X compatibility
Firebase C++ SDK updated to 4.3.0
Google Play Services updated to 11.6.2 (Gradle only)
Firebase SDK for Android updated to 11.6.2 (Gradle only)
Google Services Plugin for Android updated to 3.1.2
We’ve just released update for Ultimate Mobile Kit plugin.
You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab or your Sellfy dashboard (for Sellfy customers). Update also was submitted for UE4 Marketplace but it needs to wait for approval.
Added ability to get Unreal storage path and Save Game storage path for Android and iOS.
We added two new nodes:
Get Unreal Storage Path – returns a path to the main directory of Unreal filesystem on a device
Get Save Game Storage Path - returns a path to the directory of Unreal Save Games on a device
Now you can simply upload or download Unreal Save Games from Firebase Cloud Storage:
We’ve just released update for Ultimate Mobile Kit plugin.
You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab or your Sellfy dashboard (for Sellfy customers). Update also was submitted for UE4 Marketplace but it needs to wait for approval.
Fixed a problem with non-english characters in Firebase Remote Config.
Fixed Save Games path on Android when UseExternalFilesDir option enabled.
Added creating folder if doesn’t exist during saving file downloaded from the Firebase Cloud Storage.
We’ve just released update for Ultimate Mobile Kit plugin.
You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab or your Sellfy dashboard (for Sellfy customers). Update also was submitted for UE4 Marketplace but it needs to wait for approval.
Fixed a problem with uploading files with path located outside data directory on Android.