Ultimate Mobile Kit for iOS & Android - Firebase

Ultimate Mobile Kit 1.2.1 HOTFIX

We’ve just released hotfix for plugin. You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab or your Sellfy dashboard.


  • Plugin is now App Transport Security compliant on iOS.
  • Fixed a problem with the newest Google Play Services on Android.

If you haven’t owned it yet, you can buy now on Sellfy.

Ultimate Mobile Kit 1.2.2 Update released!

We’ve just released update for plugin. You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab or your Sellfy dashboard.


  • Added support for all Android architectures.
  • Fixed ProGuard rules for Shipping mode.
  • Added .pom files to the repository.
  • Standarization of including additional libraries.
  • Fixed Firebase Messaging Dependencies in AndroidManifest.
  • Fixed access of members in FirebaseApp.
  • Removed logs from IsInitialized functions in C++.
  • firebase_messaging_cpp moved to the installer cloud.

If you haven’t owned it yet, you can buy now on Sellfy.


Ultimate Mobile Kit 1.2.3 released!

We’ve just released plugin binaries with great new features and bugfixes. You can authenticate users by sending SMS messages to their phones!
You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab or your Sellfy dashboard.


  • New login method – Phone Number Authentication You can use Firebase Authentication to sign in a user by sending an SMS message to the user’s phone. The user signs in using a one-time code contained in the SMS message.
  • Added Firebase Phone Credential
  • Added Verify Phone Number function
  • Added IdTokenListener
  • Firebase C++ SDK updated to 4.0.2
  • Firebase IOS SDK updated to 4.0.3
  • Auto-config from GoogleService-Info.plist
  • Fixed SetCurrentScreen function on Android
  • Fixed calling MakeGooglePlayAvailability on iOS
  • Added log about successfully generated GoogleServicesPlist.embeddedframework
  • Fixed Storage UpdateMetadata deprecated function
  • Fixed paths for Generating Plist Framework on macOS
  • Fixed generating googleservices.xml for Android

**Example project and documentation are also updated!

If you haven’t owned it yet, you can buy now on Sellfy.






Ultimate Mobile Kit 1.3.0 released!

We’ve just released plugin binaries with great new feature: Performance Monitoring.
You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab or your Sellfy dashboard.


  • Added Performance Monitoring for iOS
  • Added Performance Monitoring for Android

**Example project and documentation are also updated!

If you haven’t owned it yet, you can buy now on Sellfy.

**Learn more about Firebase Performance Monitoring:

Any video about how to blueprinting these in UE4?

Video will be available later but now you can see how to use this in User Guide: gameDNA is coming back very soon – gameDNA and Example Project: gameDNA is coming back very soon – gameDNA

If you have more questions, feel free to ask! :wink:

This plugin looks great !

I’ve noticed your game, Chasers, is using Playfab. It seems that playfab provides more game focused features such as leaderboards, and has support for creating virtual currencies and managing item catalogs and item stores for example. Does firebase provide any similar functionalities or would it require manually implementing them using cloud functions?

I wonder if you could further explain what are the main differences between Playfab and Firebase and which one would you recommend for games?

Thank you! :smiley:

CHASERS uses Ultimate Mobile Kit except of database because Realtime Database is still under development (but we are close to release).

The main difference is that Firebase Realtime Database automatically sync data across connected devices in milliseconds. You can simply add listener to the database node and it automatically propagates changes to all devices (without sending requests manually!). Second great feature is offline database storage. When your users go offline, the Realtime Database uses local cache to serve and store changes. When the device comes online, the local data is automatically synchronized.

These two main features are unique for Firebase Realtime Database and only Firebase offers them.

Firebase has raw database implementation but it’s easy to use, scalable, and flexible. It’s not a problem to make your own leaderboards in 5 minutes. PlayFab is limited and you can’t add custom things as you can in Firebase.

So, yes… I definitely recommend Firebase Realtime Database :smiley:

Ultimate Mobile Kit 1.3.1 released!

We’ve just released update for plugin. You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab or your Sellfy dashboard.


  • Added compatibility with Realtime Database
  • Updated Google Play Services SDK to 11.0.4
  • Updated Firebase SDK to 11.0.4
  • Added nanopb library

If you haven’t owned it yet, you can buy now on Sellfy.

Thank you very much for the explanation. It all sounds great :smiley:

Where did the advertised cloud/database functionality go? Why has it been removed from the advertisement images? I have been waiting for this “under development” component for quite some time.

Why based on the thirdparty (firebase)… have nobody learned from the Parse debacle?

Hi KillerSneak,

Realtime Database never hasn’t been advertised as part of Ultimate Mobile Kit. We have splitted Firebase functionality to separate plugins since start of development. Ultimate Mobile Kit - features for mobile only and Realtime Database - features for all platforms. For confirmation you can check start date of forum threads for Ultimate Mobile Kit (03-05-2017, 06:15 PM) and Realtime Database (03-05-2017, 08:40 PM). It was announced at the same day. “Realtime Database” words have never been used on the advertisement images of Ultimate Mobile Kit. We thought that it was clear. We announced two plugins at the same time to eliminate doubts. We are very sorry that it was still misunderstood :frowning: Check your PM box, we sent you more details.


Ultimate Mobile Kit Plugin 1.4.0 for UE 4.17 final release!

We’ve just released plugin binaries for Unreal Engine 4.17
You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab or your Sellfy dashboard.


  • Tweaks for UE 4.17 compatibility
  • Added Gradle support. If you use more than one client_id, remove not necessary default_web_client_id from the file [PROJECT_FOLDER]/Build/Android/res/values/googleservices.xml It depends on platform configuration (Development or Shipping). This problem should be fixed in the upcoming UE4 versions.
  • Fixed compilation errors with NDK R14b enabled.

If you haven’t owned it yet, you can buy now on Sellfy.

Ultimate Mobile Kit 1.4.1 released!

We’ve just released update for plugin. You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab or your Sellfy dashboard.


  • Fixed problems with google-services.json and Gradle. Now plugin is 100% compatible with Gradle!
  • Fixed a crash with Cloud Messaging enabled on 4.17
  • Added Firebase Crash Reporting and Performance Monitoring plugins for Gradle.
  • Added copying google-services.json to Build folder during loading Firebase config (for Gradle purposes).
  • Firebase C++ SDK updated to 4.0.3

If you haven’t owned it yet, you can buy now on Sellfy.


Hi and thanks for the clarification. I’m sorry for the confusion/misunderstanding from my side. Thanks for taking the time to respond here and via PM.

I can say you have one extra happy customer/user of several of your great plugins. I really recommend anybody that needs top quality plugins and support to make use of your products.

Again thanks and keep up the great work.


Ultimate Mobile Kit available on the official Unreal Engine 4 Marketplace!

Finally, Ultimate Mobile Kit has been released on the official Unreal Engine 4 Marketplace.

Now you have a choice where you want to buy a plugin: Sellfy or UE4 Marketplace.

Marketplace: Ultimate Mobile Kit Firebase in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace
Sellfy: https://sellfy.com/p/fc9C/**

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :slight_smile:

Hey there folks.

We bought that plugin and eehhhh. It’s a very nice plugin. We ran into some very weird issues but the support answers very fast to emails and helped us in fixing our problems. They’ve also helped us with teamviewer at our project. It took about 30 hours working with to fix our problems(The error was at our side). Thats a great service from . Thank you for that!!

If I could rate the plugin with 0 to 5 stars I would rate like this:

Support: 5 Stars
Sociabilty: 5 Stars
Implementation: 4 Stars
Performance: 4 Stars

We will continue to work with . People like this are highly needed for small teams.

**We appreciate for everything and wish you the best.


Hi Favilla,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts about plugin and support. Every opinion means a lot for us! We are working hard to be even better! :wink:

Ultimate Mobile Kit Plugin 1.5.0 Preview for UE 4.18 Preview 3!

I’ve just released plugin binaries for Unreal Engine 4.18 Preview 3.
You can download it from GitHub repository on releases tab.

If you find any bug, feel free to report it :slight_smile:

If you haven’t owned it yet, you can buy now on Sellfy or UE4 Marketplace.