UI Widget is blacked out in modes with shadows/lighting

Hello everyone. I’m working on a little side project VR game. I have a menu widget that completely darkens/black out whenever I’m testing in-game.

The only way for me to see the button icons is by going into F2 mode. In both F3 & F4 modes the UI is completely dark. If you get really close up to the icons you can very slightly see them. They’re there, but are just really dark when there’s lighting.

Here’s a picture: (I would send more for a better understanding but it only allows me to use 1 picture as I’m a new user)

F3/regular mode:

Hoping anyone can help me with this

F2 mode:


Still need help with this
Much appreciated to anyone who can send me in the right direction

Hey there, I’m encountering this exact same issue!!! I’ve done so many VR menu’s in my time however I’m now using UE5.1 where I work and setting up VR and I’m getting this exact same issue. I’m tearing my hair out on what it could be. I can see no one has responded to this post since Bright360F asked about it last in September last year but if anyone has seen this issue and been able to resolve that’d be much appreciated if you could share. In the meantime I need to troubleshoot to resolve it ASAP. Anyone with any clues if you wouldn’t mind sharing your resolutions. Thanks, Shez.

NB: I’m using just a stock standard level with dynamic lighting, just the standard default level just to get the functionality working before I migrate it into our proper template we use at work.

Ok so interesting, there must be something to do with the level created as I just added a dummy widget to the Template project I’m adding VR to and it shows up perfectly! Either way need to figure out exactly why this happens in case it happens for other projects.

Solution here for me: 3D Widget display issues - #13 by loeber15

can anyone expand on a solution to this please. I have a fresh new widget with only 2 buttons on and it appears black in my world. Unchecking the net load client doesn’t do anything.