I’d be lying if I said I didn’t come here with a ton of salt - I don’t understand what the hell is wrong with the source control, but in my team we consistently have ghost changes to half a dozen if not more files, and it has been very problematic to develop due to the sheer amount of time lost to waiting reverts and syncs every 5 minutes.
I honestly expected a very simple feature: when clicking the “you have X unsaved changes” button, we are prompted to save or NOT SAVE those objects/assets - but can we PLEASE have a REVERT option, that happens BEFORE TRYING TO SYNC?
I’m going mad by how often I have to save and revert 20 different files that I haven’t ever touched - I waste upwards of an hour every day waiting for this engine (or lack thereof) to revert two or three files that I might have clicked on just to check a value - it’s completely mental.
Anyways. These are my few experiences though, our project has been consistently overcapping the memory limit and we have several custom-made assets. I know we are a huge crowd in here - but I find it hard to believe that my team might be the only ones who are struggling with how slow the source control is.
@5Daydreams Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!
My apologies that you are having these issues with URC.
Could you give me a list of assets that appear modified, even though you have not changed anything? It sounds like an issue where some assets auto-dirty whenever you reload a level, and the URC will check these out because it detects a change in the file
For the ghost files it sounds like a user may have their projects stored in their one drive folder, this causes actor files to be restored and things magically come back.
For the reverting you can right click items on the check in window and revert them there. However doing this on a project with 70k actors takes considerable time, 5-10 min.
And this reverting issue usually is only because UEFN likes to dirty actors non stop, Its either bouncers, guard rails, target dummys or some other thing that people use ALL THE TIME. Every update some get fixed and new ones come in.
Also good luck doing project maintenance on a 50k+ actor project, just renaming folders and sorting, its easily a whole day job. Do an action, drink coffee and watch youtube. Repeat. Its production line type soul crushing work.
I am working with a client now and their project is practically unworkable due to URC overhead.
I have a serious love hate over URC, It freezes all my PC’s and isolated somehow to my user login… Long story there but URC off, no freezes. Makes it very hard to work with others.
It’s a bold statement but URC is not ready to work at serious scale, it very much is too slow.